Thursday, February 25, 2010

Knowing Who To Trust

I do have concerns. I have questions about some things. Some have claimed to be helping but then appeared to be a part of wanting me to go to jail. And yet they convinced others they were helping me. Some contradictions.

I am trying to do whatever I can to help my son and yet I wonder if some of the solutions others have thought would work, they don't realize who is behind it really and what the motives are.

On Wednesday there was more out about knights and I have wondered if this has had anything to do with knights of columbus. I didn't so for a long time and dismissed this idea but then people start throwing this around again, and then also, a few things about taxes and it seemed some Jewish didn't like me but I didn't know why not. Then of course, protestants have done some awful things and it just seems more like gang stuff then all considered. but then I think too, some catholics would never do anything to harm children, at least the normal ones, and would have not wanted my unborn twins to die and knew I am not the type to abort, well that it's not my belief. lately though, I have been wondering about many things.

I think someone was looking out for me when maybe others had dropped me and I wish I knew who because those who really did and do try with me and my son, I feel I owe the most too. Probably later other people decided they cared too.

I realized today too, as I was reading about Di saying she felt like a goldfish in a fishbowl, I realized I had named our goldfish "harry" after prince harry and started wondering exactly when I did get interested in Di. I know we had that fish when we went through all the horrible things in East Wenatchee.

I watched spooks tonight, not following the whole time as I was doing other things and then looked the program up. I think the woman in the show is a really good actress. The blond one. So I looked up the main page and it talks about pakistan and india having conflicts. I wonder if this is true in real life? because it would make more sense for me, in seeing other tensions I guess. But I don't know. I don't know why india and pakistan would be at odds.


  1. The college mascot is the Knights.
    The men's basketball team ended their season, the women's basketball team ended their season and they hired a men's soccer coach. Read the newspaper and it's all in there on the same day. The WVC Knights.....

  2. Hi, thanks for writing this. You could be right. There was this van "A white knight" and then a lot of references to some knight, and then I started wondering, well, about the 3 knight's helmets next to a snakeskin, in this house I stayed at, and how I did initially trace a lot of problems coming from people who were somehow members of this group. So I hadn't thought about it in a long time and it came to mind with some of the other things surfacing (some things which I haven't written about).
