Wednesday, February 24, 2010

energy in town

I felt fine, in general, but sick, and then while walking back, just noticed a lot of gaming and mockery. It wasn't so good. It made me think probably something really horrible happened in the hearing today, when I'd tried to get it postponed just a week, and some people were being sadistic about it. That was my first thought. Now I think, well, or maybe it was hilarious to some to get the color of my underwear.

So it wasn't great. Then, I went back to get a hamburger at McDonalds and saw this young man there. For the first time in months, I felt I was supposed to say something to someone, like when I said to the woman, "Your son is going to be okay." I could tell he was really smart, even though he was wearing slightly dirty and old workman clothing. So I found him and told him and asked if he was in college because it came to mind and he said he'd been thinking about getting his GED and going to college but had to drop out at grade 10 to work. So I tried to encourage him and then left. I knew I was supposed to say something and it was one of those things where I saw his eyes and instantly knew, he is smart and should be in college.

I really felt much better after that. I say nice things to people everyday, but this was a time where I felt it was to let him know something, that others knew somehow or noticed. But I don't know what it means for him. I wondered something else too, but didn't say it to him and won't write it either.

Tired now, but will write about my visit with my son tomorrow. It was very horrible, some of the brainwashing which was evident and then there was the parrot thing on the table, a military guy figurine on the table, and a bunch of staples all over the place which made me think about the guy here who is always stapling something on the house. I felt really bad for my son, because some group is trying to really hurt him and they don't care. They are not only hurting him, but they are harming him emotionally and trying to ruin his intellect too. They are jealous bastards and I pray God will take care of them.

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