Thursday, February 25, 2010

Called Ex From Colombia About Harm To Son

I called my ex this morning--have talked to him other times, but not brought up as much of the issues. But I called him because of the problems and harm people are doing to my son.

I told him about some of what is going on, and certain individuals intimidating my autn and uncle and getting access to my son to brainwash him, hurt him physically (up close and from a distance), and to mess with me as well.

I told someone last night, that even with the harassment, I'm not saying it's him, but I said I knew somehow, that there was this smaller group maybe, with not as much power here or something, but that I absolutely knew they really cared about me and my son. In an even selfless way, and that they would even go to extremes to make up for mass issues.

In spite of some disappointing things I have newly seen again from some Catholic fronts, I have seen problems sometimes with a few Jewish people, and Protestants as well. It may have a lot to do with religion I guess, I hadn't thought it did, but it's something else too. AND I know that if I say I think it's about Diana, all of a sudden people are trying to psych me out with Princess Di stuff. If I say I think it's Jesuit, or Catholic in some form, all the old problems and history comes up. If I say maybe Jewish for some reason but don't know why, it's this. There ARE some major issues and some things may be a combination, but I know, in my heart of hearts, that there are really good people from all faiths and backgrounds, who really go out of their way to help. Not everyone just goes along with a big group or status quo. I know this. Even, for example, if an Israeli military man tried to get rid of 10 soldiers after they refused to take orders to get into random cars after an assassination attempt...I think of things just for example, of times when common sense, and a sense of morality make it difficult or unreasonable or maybe morally wrong, to follow orders. I know, that if I only knew, or had any real idea of what is really going on behind the scenes, I would probably be so shattered and shocked and horrified, and yet,I would also see some things which rival cinema. There must be some incredible story out there and I wonder if it will ever be known.

Thank you again, to those who have or did go out on a limb for me and my son. I hope no one is offended if they ever feel they've been lumped into a larger group that when they don't condone the actions of the larger groups.

The other thing is, which makes it difficult, is that there are a lot of people who are doubles in the sense that they may appear to be helping me or my son or care or those who care about me and my son, but actually they're not and are just trying to put obstacles in the way or make things worse. So even those I feel I could trust, I know even they may be misled. There have been many issues.

The main thing I want taken care of, are the people who are harming my son, at all, for any reason. I don't think they've gotten the message yet.

If you know what's good for you, stop harming my son and get out of his life NOW. I wasn't joking before, when I said I was praying to God for Justice and I know He heard me and some didn't like it. You leave my son alone, and that means, you quit your technology that is harming him, your sick experiments, and your mental forms of abuse.

Stop now, before it is too late for you and those you love.

Calling my ex from Colombia, is something I'm doing to try to help with this situation, but the one who should be feared is God and God help you if you continue to harm an innocent boy, in any way. God help you.

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