Thursday, February 25, 2010

Leave My Son Alone Now

I have noticed that my aunt's phone goes off the hook or isn't answered about the same time I get the feeling someone has pressured their way into the home or into my son's daycare, to brainwash him or harm him.

My aunt's phone is off the hook. Since I have a visit with my son tomorrow, someone would be trying to cram their shit into him before that visit.

No one from the law enforcement offices here has gotten involved and they are a part of the problem or my aunt and uncle would have felt they could go to them long ago.

The last few people to be abusing my son have been white. Some are hispanic, but the ones have been white and I can tell, by the kind of things that come out of my son's mouth. It has mainly been some middle aged men running the show. Some of the guys have been younger, in their 20s. A few have been women. My son has had horrible problems at his daycare too, where the lady is mean to him and he has said this more than once but the state refuses to have him in a more open location school or preschool. Some are from out of the area and have come in from out of town before. Some do the harm from a distance, using technology. When you start tracing the line, it starts involving military and goes all the way up to the top, where, in D.C., there are people who know exactly what is going on over here and yet no one from East Coast government is getting involved.

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