Thursday, February 25, 2010

MK ULTRA site and Amy Bishop & Other Today

I have filled out my FAFSA (college aid) forms for 2 different years. I am really motivated and getting a couple of other things lined up as well. I found out that while everyone was saying I had to be mentally disabled to get GAU (general assistance temporarily) there are other reasons for getting it and then I can go on from there. I am also not giving up on getting my unemployment monies but this is going to take a long time. I'm lining everything up however. Looking into publishers too, for children's books. This would not take me very long, to write children's books. Not as long as putting all the research into other things, which I want to do, but not right now.

For my curiosity pursuits, I'm looking into the Amy Bishop case, and more MK Ultra stuff. I don't know if her lawyer will be able to help her really. On one hand, if he's saying "she's wacko", that works for an insantity plea and could be a great PR move, even if he claims it was wrong to say this. On the other hand, if evidence of MK Ultra condtioning can be found, she might have a different kind of defense. Or, maybe not because it was her fault. It was all be better than saying, "I did it for political reasons" which would be a surefire way to get the death penalty. I do think much sounds like MK Ultra and possibly, she had knowledge of these types of programs as well. I found this site today, which is where out of the hundreds who were selected for experimentation, 8 of them successfully sued the CIA and won.


  1. Mind control by our 'trusted' government/military officials was just one of the many shocking discoveries I made a few years ago when the LORD began to open my eyes to the lies and deceit surrounding me.

    Then as I began to read about MKULTRA, it was so horrific that I would have to stop, gasp for air, pray and even cry before continuing on.

    My prayer:
    May the Truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wake up, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified.

  2. Hi.

    Well that is certaintly a good prayer. I read what you wrote and I know that to most people, it sounds too unbelievable. It's out there with the tin foil hat people and just sounds unimaginable and yet there are documents to prove what happened, witnesses, and even more information was destroyed.

    It is strange that we even have a "Geneva Convention" and guidelines on torturing prisoners, when the government is allowed to make its own citizens prisoner to experiments which they know will cause harm.

    To think that I even VOLUNTEERED myself to be of service. I quickly, upon rembrance, withdrew that offer. When I wrote I would be of service, it wasn't to have my and my son's life destroyed "for the greater good". The greater good is to respect the rights and life and liberty of the individual and uphold what this country is supposed to be about and stand for.

    I am so tired of hearing "the truth shall set you free" and yet people twist this to mean so many things. Also, sometimes the truth sets one group free, but ends up forcing another group to be held accountable, and they know this, so they don't want the truth.

    Keep up with your prayers and research. At least it's good to know a few people are interested in the fringe operations in the country because otherwise it would be dismissed and ignored and it needs to be kept alive and given more attention so people are fully aware of the possibilities and repercussions.

    And, it's good for those whom others try to peg as "nuts" or "paranoid" to be able to find validation with others who know what's going on and are educated.

  3. I wish that people would look deeper into MK Ultra - it wasn't just about ritual satanic abuse and Manchurian Candidates. Look at what the other subprojects were - there was interest in language use, foreigners, and the focus was more on interrogation tactics. Some of us believe that these programs continue into the present. Guantanamo might be the most obvious sign of that. Government needs to be OPEN in cases that violate the law, the constitution, human and civil rights even the Patriot Act. Beyond Guantanamo, the harassment of innocent American citizens in the guise of "national security" is a FRAUD. When is the government finally going to give victims some justice?
