Thursday, February 11, 2010

Group Harassment And Abuse Of My Son

When I was on the East Coast, a group had me take a phone call, or I received one, while there, where I could hear my son in the background and his voice out of what sounded like a very large group of people, who were mocking him, laughing, and telling him to "dance"! "baile!" "baile!" I took this call at a large organization which was near my workplace, in Washington D.C., for latinos.

I believe this was right after I blogged, in D.C., about hearing the song Mr. Bojangles or had referred to it. The next thing I knew, I heard my son being played over to me and people telling him to "dance!" "dance!" in Spanish.

My son wasn't having fun, which is why, I believe, people wanted me to hear it. My son was being subjected to the taunting and amusement of a large group of people and I could hear his voice, scared, and whimpering and it was my son. He would almost laugh once or twice, as others were laughing, but it was a scared and nervous and tormented laugh and he sounded scared.

My son has been subjected to both individual and group abuse and his life has been threatened and I have had threats and intimidation about killing and hurting my son continue.

This is not the only call I received, where I could hear people tormenting my son.

Then, on the East Coast, I have people pretending to "help" me when they only wanted to get at me and have ME locked up, if they could.

My son has been traumatized over and over, and then with this other non-lethal technology and what is being done?

I see Chelan-County police patroling the area and they are the same group that said they weren't going to document anything happening to my son. The Wenatchee police were illegally erasing visitation footage which showed I was a good mother and that my son wanted to be with me and that claims I was mentally ill were not true. I have had FBI tell me, laughing, that they aren't going to do anything. Various persons involved with the Department of Defense and other government agencies have known what is happening. They know it's gang abuse and that a lot of government people are involved.

In that group, I heard English spoken too, though more Spanish.

But this has continued, where something I write is later acted out on my son or he is targeted and so far, no one is doing anything about this except going along with it and refusing to report what they know to authorities.

At the last visit, my son told me he got a "kiss" when it was a mark of assault on his cheek, and it followed my writing about a song, an Italian opera song, which speaks about a special "kiss".

This is where I believe I am justified in praying as I pray now.

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