Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Images & Revenge For My Son

I prayed again for God to continue His work, as He wills it, for the pain that is being caused my son. I did not ask for people to do anything to avenge, but for God and his angels to go out and do whatever they need to do.

I do, literally, believe in angels. I absolutely believe in armies that are spiritual and unseen. And I called on them. I am not speaking in metaphors, I am speaking about literal angels that are unseen and I called on the warrior angels.

What was strange, was that, I got some different images and I prayed to God and His Angels, and when I was done I waited for a song to come to me, which would represent what is happening to my son and what my son is being avenged of, and this is what came to mind and I couldn't even remember the tune and I have never seen the video:

Enter Sandman:

I also prayed that this justice would flow to every country, wherever there are those who are part of harming my son, but I prayed that as only God knows who these people are, He will deal with it.

I reminded God of how my son is innocent and how I was raising him to be a good person and how God knows I am his servant, and His servant alone and have done my best with what I have, even if I've failed, my heart has been for God and for His glory.

I am not relenting in my prayers even as more pressure is put on me and my son, because I know who is greater than all, and I am calling on this power, to avenge and speak the truth, and send a message, to leave me and my son alone and to quit this altogether, this attempt to lie, keep us apart, and torture us and cause misery, and any of those who have tried to help us.

God knows how I pray, but maybe some people don't know. I don't ever pray like this, but now, I know in my spirit that this is the right time to pray this way and I sense, when I pray this, that I am in God's will and that He is in agreement with me. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks because this is between me and God, and only God can judge the heart and try the spirit and know if it is true, and just as I know what kind of bond I had and have with my son, I know what kind of worth I have in the eyes of God, and I know what my bond is with God, which no one else can see. God has also seen the wickedness and cruelty that has been done to me and my son.

As for images, I got a few different things but I'm not sure if it's all "right" and it's all new to me to try to figure it out, when it's image or just imagination.

I got something, a visual, maybe metaphorical, of an arrow in a man's back. That someone was doing this to him. But I didn't see a face and I don't know who. At all.

These images are separate from my prayer, by the way, they are neutral, not for good or bad or anything at all, just things that came to me about circumstances or things.

China is going to have an earthquake. I asked about earthquakes, if there would be anymore and China came to mind. But I thought maybe I was getting confused because I think I got something about warfare too. It's not an act of God for something wrong, but just got the impression it would be a natural normal thing.

Mazatlan came to mind and I saw ribbons or banners going back and forth or being pulled but I have no idea what about and wondered if it had something to do with some anniversary.

I saw a birthday cake for a little girl I think. It was white and had pink frosting roses on it and was like a grocery store cake and with small green leaves. I don't know who for.

After this, something about Corrine or Corinth?

I waited to see if I got any foreign sounding words and I got a couple but I'm too embarrassed to write it down so I'm looking it up first to see if it makes sense.

Then I tried to think about the Chandlers briefly but I'm at a loss. I thought I just got white sands, and that she was wearing a blue shirt or dress and I thought I saw him pouring water over his head, but maybe it was a past scene.

I then remembered that last night as I was walking, the word "Miranda" came to me and then "Miranda rights" but I don't know what it was connected to. I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular at all.

Something about helicopter landing and then Peru. I dismissed Peru thinking it was my imagination but I never know.

Then I saw an image of a woman tearing a pearl necklace. I don't know who she was but I think she was upperclass. All around was sort of a silver metallic wall or pillar, but tastefully done, and the colors I saw around were silver in a shimmery way and white. I think it was silver on the outside of walls but maybe it was her dress, and she had a pearl necklace of white pearls in her hands and with both hands yanked on it and the pearls went shooting out all over the room. It was done very fast, and then she fell to her knees in a slump and some other woman came over to her and reached out a hand. I think it was a private place but I didn't see any ceilings, it seemed to be a very spacious area with very tall clearances. It was a hard floor and I couldn't tell if maybe it was outside near a veranda or porch or inside.

Right after this I got the word "nightengale".

Before this, at some point, I saw someone trying to start a pull-string lawnmower. I don't know who but it made me think about myself when I was little, how whenever I was asked to do a chore and I didn't want to do it, the equipment would never start and someone would accuse me of breaking it when I hadn't done anything to it. As if I were sabotaging my own chores. That part wasn't an image, it was more like someone was trying to start a lawnmower and then I allowed my thoughts to drift.

I guess I got a couple more things but I don't want to share them.

I then almost got the phrase "let my people go" but I figured that was just me. However, I prayed God would not rest his hand and that his angels would not rest until my son and I and those who love us, are released from the hostility and cruelty that has come upon us without merit. I also prayed it would be very clear that whatever happens, that it is God's doing, not mine, and that God's name would be lifted up and He would be seen and his angels be seen, for the spiritual force that there are, who some have forgotten about.

I pray the glory of God.

I will now share the passage I read randomly last night. It was Ezekiel 9. It is about the sending out of warriors to liberate people and some are called in with "swords" and one, is a writer, and comes with a jar of ink and a pen. The writer is told to go out and put a mark on those who fear God and who love God and who cry out and are distressed by the wrongdoing and corruption and evil in the town or country, (or, i guess you could say world in a parable sense). Those with the mark are to be spared, but the others are not.

In a way, it's like putting the blood on the doors of those who fear God, before the plague, and this one is similiar but I'd never read it before, and it speaks about putting a mark on those God knows are true to him.

Am I saying I want this to happen in these modern times? this isn't what I'm saying by writing about this. I just thought it was interesting, because as the musician goes forward into battle sometimes, so, apparently, does the writer. So I wondered if this is where the phrase comes from, that the "pen is mightier than the sword" because it was the pen that decided the fate of those who would be spared or not, not those with swords. And yet of course, this was then, and is a parable or story or prophesy or message that came to the prophet Ezekiel.

I don't get such messages or have such prophesies. I only pray that that the will of the Lord is done, and usually, almost all the time, I am praying for myself to change and forgive and I trust and I pray for peace. There are very rare situations where I have ever thought it justified, at all, for me to even ask God for "justice" because usually I even wanted to prevent God's own hand from striking out on my behalf. I pray in mercy and have a soft heart. But I know in my spirit, that there is a season for everything and I know how I feel and what kind of connection I get when I come to God now, and kneel before him, and ask him for divine intervention and to summon the hosts.

I realize some people may take this wrong, and think I'm encouraging dissent or violence, but I'm not. What is going on right now is violence and it's crime and it's also torture and there are a lot of people who truly have NO faith in God whatsoever. There are plenty of people who mock me and mock the God I pray to, who cares about me and my son. I pray to a God who loves us and who has seen all of this, and yet those same people who are cruel, laugh and mock and think it is a game when they do not really even understand what spiritual forces they are messing with. I am not God or an angel and I have no power, except for the power which I believe I can call upon, in a time of desperate need, to the God I pray to who knows all and sees all and who would vouch for me. I know that my son and I have never physically harmed a hair on anyone's head, and have never pursued anyone to such degree that we are always stealing from them and lying about them, and vandalizing their property and trying to keep them down. That this has even HAPPENED in this country, is still the biggest shock to me, but there are others who are not from this country who also have not always been on their best behavior. So when I pray, I pray "so be it" and I am making this public, because I feel God wants people to know at this point.

I am not a prude nor am I holy or perfect or anything. I am a normal person full of faults, but I do not torture others or harass them to no end. I do not poison people, or go out of my way to cause accidents or to harm their kids, or take them and have them suffer. I sound very high and mighty, to think God would care about my prayers, but I believe God hears because i know my own heart, and I have put in hard time, suffering and praying, in his name, for this to stop.

I ask God to help people to see I'm real and I'm not making things up and that if I have any gifts, they are from God and only because I try to be faithful with it.

What I see though, is a mockery of God himself and of his angels and all spiritual forces.

(as I'm writing this, the 'simply me me' person comes up and then disappears again, maybe to imply my son is going to be hurt again)

The thing is, this will not stand anymore. I am done with it and when I pray to God to have revenge as HE sees fit, I feel I am not praying any evil, becasue I'm not taking matters into my own hands and I'm not encouraging others to do this either. Instead, I am relying on his angels and on his own power, to send a message and to keep sending that message until people either just go away, let up, or repent and turn around and begin asking GOD for forgiveness. Don't ask me for forgiveness, or my son, for forgiveness. Ask God and his son and the holy spirit and the angels, for forgiveness.

This is who you offend, and I do not believe I'm taking the Lord's name in vain, to use for my own purposes either because again, I am not taking matters into my own hands. But should people begin to see the power of God, and see it demonstrated in a way which no one can deny it is the power of God alone, this is who your prayers for release and for forgiveness should be directed to. You should pray to God for forgiveness for going after a mother and child and other innocent people, out of hatred and a wrong idea that you are serving some purpose when all you've done is cause misery and destruction.

You refuse to listen to cooperation, you refuse to negotiate in fair terms, you refuse pleas and begging, you refuse the heartfelt sincerity of a mother. You have refused every single decent offer a person or servant of God could MAKE. You even refuse to forgive as you have been forgiven and you refuse the forgiveness I tried to extend.

You have refused the mercy of God in so doing, because you refused a righteous attempt at peace, countless times, and instead chose to bully and torture a mother and child, and to spend a massive amount of money, resources, and people in doing this.

You go out of your way to play mind games and try to brainwash people, not just me and my son, but others you count as your followers. You have joined people together to not only physically assault and torture a small child, you have joined people together to emotionally abuse him and his mother and intentionally caused endless suffering and poverty.

You have told others that this mother is the serpent, the eve, and you have put your foot upon my head to keep me down, to keep me from rising, and to crush not only my will, but my faith, my spirit, and my memory, and you have done the same to my son, knowing that I will raise him to be a good man, one who is strong, and you were aware of his intelligence and talents and viewed him to be some kind of threat. A baby.

For this, and for rallying up the scorn of so many, most who have never even met me or talked to me at all, who have preconceieved ideas about me or just go off of my blog, not knowing all the torment and what I and my son have really been put through, for THIS, I say a prayer, and God curse the person who tries, in any way, to pervert the will of the Lord. May that curse fall upon you and yours to the third generation, should you attempt to turn a righteous cry to God for help,into an excuse to do more harm. May you be released only after you have put your face into the ground to cry out to God for His forgiveness and to ask Him what to do with your life and how to begin treating others.

I pray blessings on those who turn to God and who seek God, who are not so perverted as to attack small children like my son, and I pray for a generational curse to be on the families of those who resist, and I pray that each generation will be able to look back and attest to the curse and realize it was from the hand of God because there were some who would not repent.

I also pray that even though raising "lazarus" from the dead wouldn't be good enough for some of you, I pray for increased signs and wonders, which will point to God's grace in my life and in my son's life. I pray for increased clarity in my gifts and that God will bless me and use me more, and that I would be able to bless others with accurate perception, and I pray for natural wonders or signs to occur, which people will know is from God, even if I don't find out about it, for some reason, myself.
the first thing to come to me after finishing this was
"titus". But I don't know what. maybe he is reading this as I write, I don't know, but when i asked God what about "titus", all i got was that he needs prayer.
For "fire", this "non-lethal" fire that has been used in this town, and elsewhere, I pray fire. I pray real fire, that houses, offices, buildings, and technology, will catch on fire and burn down. I pray that accidents will happen and the technology used will be destroyed and that the financial assets of those using such technology will plummet or be taken.

This is the song that comes to mind and I pray this for those who have been oppressed and tormented, if they have been, as I and my son have been.
"To Every Generation". May the blessing and peace be upon you, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

By Thomas Dekker, from Holland.

I pray protection to the generations who have been attacked because of jealousy. Who hurt others for no other reason than to try to strip someone of the gifts and blessings bestowed upon someone from birth or given to them in the course of good or hard work.
Still thinking. I can't control it at all, but I'm going to pay for a massive amount of destruction to come to all the technology used to harm others here and other places. Regardless of how large or small the instruments, equipment, or technology, for a massive attack, man-led and accidental, to occur.

I didn't pray for people to be involved with harming others, but I hope all of the technology is destroyed. I am praying for some major destruction to happen to all of this technology, on all levels.
This is what I got: I looked up how some of the words sound but I don't know. I really don't. One of them is persian for "exhalted" "baraz". It's the only one I found right away and the others I may have spelled phonetically but not correctly
I made a post and was so upset but I deleted it or put it into draft form because I didn't mean it and just got unduly upset for a moment. Then this song came on, an old which which I like:

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