Wednesday, February 10, 2010

image of uranium yellowcake?

I had the impression a few minutes ago, of something pushing out and oozing out of a cannister. I was lying down resting for a moment and it isn't to imply something about anyone here or in my family at all.

But it came to mind, and something was starting to push out of a cannister or cracked opening and it looked like goo at first in a way, but it came out like a snake, in a way, like it sort of kept growing, like a snake coming out of a can, but it was different too. Like I was seeing something from an industrial place. It was more of a substance, but it came out like a snake in a way, the closest thing I could compare it to.

And then I saw a ski pole, something like the bottom of a ski pole but the metal thing turned really fast, like a fast miniature screwdriver.

It was some kind of tool which was coming in torwards something else. It had something on the top, that was possibly also yellow or connected with this color. But it looked like a ski pole but there wasn't a pole that long and I saw underneath, underneath the sphere at the bottom of a pole, it was some kind of sphere and then the part sticking out from that moved, and that's when I thought, it's not a ski pole, it's something else, some kind of tool or part that looks like a ski pole.

I wanted to say it moved forward and then moved back.

I don't know what certain cutters are like, but some kind of cutter for hard materials comes to mind. But I might be wrong.

It wasn't a saw, or anything normal that I've seen before, it was different. If it doesn't cut maybe it burns. It wasn't a top, like a toy which spins and has a metal part that goes around. It was more of a tool, a special kind most people don't see, or a part to some kind of machinery.
I feel I'm getting a lot of interesting things tonight, so I'm going to take a little time to reflect or allow soemthing to come to me and then I'll write about it.
I thought about what I saw, in the shower again, and it wasn't a snake, I don't think, but it was weird because it was more of a substance of some kind but I've never seen anything like it. It stayed together like taffy in a way, but it was more liquid, a thick liquid like paint but it didn't move like paint because it pushed it's way out of this container.

I have no idea. I didn't see a head or hissing or anything it was a solid color.

It was very weird. I might look stuff up but won't spend a lot of time on it.
The other thing that happened was that the other night when I talked to my girlfriend, she was talking about medical stuff and I asked her if she'd been bleeding. She said no and then I asked again, and said it came to mind, and then she said she had had a period for over a month and a half, but she didn't think that was 'bleeding'. But she was! and then she said some doctor's last name and a first name came to mind but I wasn't totally right, but close, but that might have been because I somehow recognized his name, I don't know.
I got the idea, for some reason, about something nuclear. I wondered if there is any substance which is nuclear and yellow colored but what came to mind more naturally was that nuclear stuff is grey or gaseous or clear liquid or something. I didn't realize, I don't think (trying to check on my subconscious accumulation of knowledge) that it can be yellow. I found yellowcake, which is a uranium powder.

I wondered if it is ever yellow when it's in a molten form, and I haven't found a precise answer yet but I think it's possible. I don't know. Some of the machinary for nuclear plants looks like it could be close to what I saw with the ski pole idea but I didn't find an exact match.

I considered the idea of molten gold when it came up, if it's a regular yellow color and not glittery or golden, but I kept getting the idea that the substance was somehow radioactive or nuclear. I had sort of not-great feeling with it. For a minute I wondered if it was some kind of "ghostbusters" 'plasma" manifestation of something evil which is then what led me to wonder about snake, but I think that's where my imagination interferred with what just came up naturally. I tried to make it into something that fit my already preconceived ideas of what it could be.

I don't know if I was seeing a process of some kind of a leak or spillage or spilling over, or if I was seeing a natural process at a plant. It seemed like, when it was coming out, it was pushing it's way out, like lava, a little bit and then more and then it was in a cylandrical shape. Like a mass that wasn't hard but grew into a shalpe like that of a snake but maybe it was of the substance itself, in the form it would be inside of a pipe or tube?

I really don't know. I have no idea for sure.

I thought it was a substance at first thought, and then when it took form, I thought maybe a snake because I also had not the best feeling with it, like something was happening which maybe wasn't really good, but not sure.

Then, the ski pole shape was just like I said, but I don't know what an exact match would be. I wanted to say it came in to push down on something and then backed off but I don't know if it was to cut, burn, or just push, I don't know. I saw some kind of uranium pellets that were swively like screws but they weren't connected to a ski pole thing so I'm not sure.

From my angle, it came out over the top of something and then kept pushing or growing out, and then it seemed to be in a cylandrical form but it wasn't hard.
Also, I think on the same day, I got a word pronounced like "shah-tah" a couple of times, "shah-tah", "shah-tah". In no connection whatsoever to this other image.
how weird. I just looked up any words with such pronunciation and all I could find was "sciata" for Italian "to ski" but I think there is also some East African coconut dessert that has this in the end of the word. But exactly shah-tah or shaw-taw matches "sciata" for "to ski". I have no idea why I would get this word on the same day I see something that looks like a ski pole.

If I found the piece of paper I might be able to find the other words that I heard, (not literally, but "got").

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