Thursday, February 11, 2010

Plans This Morning (good morning)

All night the computer was having problems and everything was overheated enough my body was twitching (not visibly, the benign fasciculation kind) and I went to bed and then woke up and it was like someone switched something off because then I was cold, like I had cooled down and yet the room was the same temperature as before.

In the last few days my hair has been falling out as well, in large amounts.

I checked my son's hair and I only noticed his hair is looking wavier for some reason when it's never been before, and in the back of his head there was one spot where it looks slightly thinner than the rest of his head.

I thought about the earthquake that was 4.3 and wondered if I had prayed and then had some kind of premonition at the same time, I don't know. I thought it was also interesting that the earthquake hit at 4 a.m., or just a few minutes before 4 a.m. I really did pray that God would shake someone up, but I don't know if that could be included as an answer to my prayers or not. As for the other things I prayed for,I would have no way of knowing, but I figure God lets the people know, who need to know.

I turned to a passage in the Bible randomly last night and I didn't get any idea of where to read at all, it was just completely random, but I fell on a passage I don't remember reading before. I'll find it again and write it down here.

I have a little cleaning to do this morning, and then I'm going to get some things done, including finishing getting the webstream up since the guy said he could help me with that.

I don't completely know if it's just the laptop or something else because I noticed no one else wanted to be present at the house when it was going on. It might be coincidence but I don't know.

I also noticed the night before last night, I was lying down and all of a sudden my heart did a strange thing where it felt like it was rising out of my chest. I don't know how to describe it but it happened very fast and I felt nauseous. I've had very minor nausea a few times in addition to my hair falling out, but I'm not losing it.

I'm normal, and sane, and once the webcam is running, the rest of the world that doesn't know what to think, will see for themselves.

In the meantime, though, I've documented a few other things, just for the sake of history, because history needs writers and "media persons" of all kinds to document things so that other generations, if they are curious enough, they can go back and look at things and see if what I'm writing adds up or not.

I will tell you one thing, I feel very connected to Diana, even if I'm nothing like her, I find I am waking up every morning with my son on my mind and she will briefly cross my mind as well. I seem to have more dreams about other people, but I feel my spirit is somehow connected in some thread, to hers and not in a weird way, but a kindred spirit way. I feel she is one of my kindred spirits.

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