Sunday, February 21, 2010

Images From Last Night

Before I slept I had two images which I remember. The other things I don't remember at all, but there was more.

I saw some kind of metal (steel) round machinery and I saw it in motion. I don't know if it was a car part, some weird tool (I don't think so) or part of a structure or equipment. It was like a round solid and smooth base, and on each side there was a nail or screw thing but maybe neither, and they both both back and forth. The main object was fixed and not moving, but the small thing on the side worked forward and back and, and I will draw a picture and post it here. It was different from the sort of ski pole image I saw. I guess similiar in some ways, but different.

Then, I saw electricity of some kind and I don't know if one can see something like this in the real world, literally, but it was spiraled in a way, like pictures of a DNA strand, and it moved, and yet it was a form of energy and I think the colors were sort of white mainly or something, but they were visible to me. They were not as thin as they are in the drawing, they wee thicker, and they moved, sort of interchanging with eachother but there were not a lot of lines, just maybe 2-4 or so.

As for the metal thing, it was smooth and solid on the face and then on the side, the pins or screws or whatever they were moved forward and back, but I didn't see if it was connected to anything. I just saw the energy afterwards and yet I don't even know if the two were connected.

My impression was definitely machinery or technology but I don't know what kind.

I will draw a photo of what the current or energy stream looked like and post it here as well.

I had some other really interesting things come to mind but didn't get up to write them down and fell asleep too fast. It was sometime after midnight that I got the images, between 12 and 1 I guess, PST.

Even though it's simple, I'm going to put a drawing of the ski pole object and maybe try to show a couple of other images so I have something uploaded for making an image match search.

There is something which newly appeared, sticking out of a box downstairs that is metal with a base and pole, but I've never seen it until today, up close, and this is not what I've been seeing in images, at all. But I will show a photo of it just to put it up. But that's not it. What I have seen is a part of technology, not a paint mixer, and I see it in motion.

I don't know if this will work, but here is a link to TinEye, which is a reverse image search, so I think if you load an image it tries to find matches online. It's free but you have to register. Hmm. I tried it, and I didn't have to register either, but it didn't find anything. Might have to be an exact match.

I have had many more images or impressions of faces of people I don't know. One of them, a man, I actually saw later on a line up of faces for the Hamas suspects. I think that's the line up that went up. I might have to check because it could have been for something else. But I don't want to say bc it shouldn't influence anything.

I did talk to my friend last night who said she talked to an old friend, who names starts with Bee and I told her I had just thought of her and blogged about her briefly, in the last week or so. I guess she has been married for 20 years to a Washington State police trooper and has a 13 year old daughter. She happened to call my other friend, out of the blue, after they'd had a long spat and not talked to eachother in months. So it was good to hear how she was doing because she came to mind.
I looked up the pattern of energy current that I saw last night, and found they are called "transverse waves". Hmmm. Whaddya know.

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