Saturday, February 20, 2010

Computer Overworking All Day Today

The computer has been overworking all day today. All day. The only time I noticed it quit briefly was when these Mormon missionaries came over to visit.

Prior to their arrival, one of the housemates had gone outside and was using some tool that sounded like a machine gun. I didn't even stand up to look. I have no idea what he was doing but when the missionaries got there, he quit and took off.

I'm getting a better idea of what is causing the computer to overwork. Still puzzling it out, but getting closer. :)

I wish I knew some hardcore military intel over here, who are good people and would help with things. I had someone tell me there are a lot of very high ranking former military in Leavenworth.

I have noticed that when I move the laptop with me, to a different location, it quits the heating, at least temporarily. Sort of cools down, my body and heart do and the heating stops for awhile. But I'm still figuring it out.

It sometimes seems it's just the computer, if I'm on, and then other times, where I am with the computer seems to matter.

When the missionary guys came over I noticed it quit and when I was standing in a certain location there was nothing but then I went to the restroom and came back and sat down in a different location and I noticed something a few times. It was actually a little different. But that time I was surprised because I wasn't near the computer. I could hear someone upstairs and there were backpacks on the floor with the guys, but I have no idea.

I joked and asked these guys if they were CIA. I was totally kidding. But I was also kidding, based off of truth, because in the past, missionaries or pastors have been used as "spies" of sorts.

One thing was they asked if anyone had died when I was younger. I said "huh?" and I didn't know why they were asking. I said, "What do you mean, died, or if I saw someone die?" and then I said, "Because you think I sound nuts and wonder when the illness began or something?" and they said no, just, did someone die when I was younger or did I notice anything odd. I said no, which is the truth. I guess they said too, anyone in the family die, or someone die. I said no. I once had someone at a grocery store tell me she had heard my mother died when I was little and I thought that was weird. I know I am the blood child of my mom and dad. I mean, yeah, when I was a kid, as a kid, you wonder sometimes, or I did, with my imagination, if I was adopted. Looked for papers once because I didn't know where my red hair came from. But that was about it.

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