Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pluschenko & Gold

I will have to rewatch the skating. It is the only competition I caught a glimpse of, but I was on the telephone so I couldn't watch the whole thing. I sort of thought the Russian skater was better, but I need to watch the skating better.


  1. Based on everything I saw, the US skater deserved the gold. He had triples throughout his program, especially at the end. No, he didn't do a quad and that's Pluschenko's complaint. Plushenko didn't do any triples in the last minute or so of his program. That's when you're tired and you prove what kind of an athlete you are. If he would have done some triples in that last minute and landed them, of course he would have deserved the gold but he didn't so he deserves the silver. Also, his whining does not make him a good sport. I used to think somewhat highly of him but now I don't think kindly of him at all.

  2. Hmm,

    I might agree with you. I would really have to see it all again. I liked the costume on the one guy, the American. One had sort of a delicate fine tuned finesse and the other was more of a power statuseque type of skater. I didn't follow closely enough though, which I regret and probably shouldn't have made a comment.

    I love the ice skating! It's one part of Olympics I have always enjoyed and I've seen very little this year. The only things I ever watch are diving, skating, and gymnastics.

    I still remember Oksana Baiuls "swan" routine. I think I cried. It was so beautiful.

    Thanks for writing. You sound like an athlete yourself.
