Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Music: Loreena McKinnett & Telekinesis? & Scratches

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZZ5M3DmGog This is an amazing live performance by Loreena McKinnett of "The Old Ways". The vocal interpretation is exquisite and the strings! The strings are a mood, not even an instrument...I see (mind's eye, imagination, not literally) waves of the ocean when those strings play at that interlude and then with the pipes and flutes, the green grass of the hillside.

I decided to delete what I wrote here about scratches, because I figured, after talking to a friend, no one would get my humor on it at all. I had written something joking about royal psychic bloodline too, joking, but my friend did not think my tone conveyed the joking nature.

And so! I have deleted it. Once I have the webcam streaming I think when I'm kidding around and laughing while I write, or when I'm being completely serious, will be more obvious. It's hard to blend dry humor.

I started thinking too, that if someone thought I was serious, with the images I talk about, they might feel that I also believe in aliens or think I'm literally serious and think I have visitations by spirits, when I've not had anything of the kind or such an experience.

I looked up info about it though, because I came across it while researching MK ULTRA stuff and it was tucked inbetween somehow. It's like reading about the guy who summons "fire" which was really funny. But probably, some people do have these things happen. I am sure it is possible but to just a few people.

At any rate, now is probably not a good time to confuse others. I do it at times, to get some information but in general.


  1. Thanks for sharing this great post on Loreena McKinnett & Telekinesis & Scratches, very interesting post.

    Download Music

  2. Well, thank you. I have to delete a few things I was joking about bc I was told it didn't sound like I was joking so I have to rephrase. But thanks!
