Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Regarding Anger About My Mackenzie Post

I thought I would write this since there has been so many angry comments.

My posts are not to say this girl is or was a bad person. It's also not to be down on her family in any way. I have never said I thought she was "passing notes" as someone suggested. I do not feel "happy" about what has happened or take any kind of pleasure out of it. If my tone and face could be seen, I think what I have been trying to say would come across slightly differently. I don't know, maybe not.

What I have made comments about are facts. I have written down factual information and I have also written down guesses about a couple of things. I have not said my word is right all the time, nor do I even know for sure that this is the same person. I don't even have that confirmed at this point.

I feel sorry for the family's loss and have used this as an example of something which could be used for good, because there ARE problems here and I don't think ignoring them and pretending everything is fine will work. If there are NOT problems for others, then I would say Wenatchee has outdone themselves with "the outsider and child". Some very, very, sick things have been done, and I see people driving by, getting off on it. After all the glee that's gone into harming me and my son, why in the world is anyone feeling differently about Mackenzie? Is it that sympathy or compassion are only reserved for the locals and those raised here? Sure, but my son and I could be lied about by others and abused and threatened, and any number of things, including torture? It doesn't make any sense.

I cannot grasp how the same people that mock me when they're driving by, or laugh, or who get pissed off or just hate me...these same people who are so happy to think I might suffer, and know my son suffers...what well is your compassion drawn from to have sudden sympathy for a different child? Imagine, just imagine, if I had friends upwards of several hundred, not the whole town, but at least that many, to just lie about Mackenzie's mom and dad, keep them out of work, out of housing, and then drove by laughing after it was discovered Mackenzie had died. I think any reasonable person would agree these people, who take pleasure from such an idea, would be "sick". Yet how many of you, knowing what my son and I go through, have ganged together, and done this very thing? and yet you think there is something wrong with me???

At least I'm talking about the problem. I'm not burying it under the rug. You cannot expect to encourage this kind of mentality without consequences to even those who seem safe from the downsides. It isn't healthy. You can't get kids and teens involved, either, and expect them to go unscathed.

When this girl walked by me, in the Starbucks, I didn't sense any negative energy about her or anything. But I did notice other things later and wondered why. Was she going to later do something to try to help me and my son? Maybe. But the point is, everyone knows what games are being played, and it's nothing to be happy about, no matter what or whose side you're on. What is striking to me, though, is that almost an entire community and the leaders felt absolutely fine with harming me and my son. No problem.

I am talking about a system problem. I am not driving by with large groups, rubbing torture in the faces of mothers and fathers.

Now THAT behavior, is what is sick and I hope some people will start taking anti-depressants to get rid of what might be at the root of their sadism. It's starting to look like this is the "Prozac Nation" that went off their meds. Give Dr. Goodall or whatever his name is, a call. Oh, I looked it up. It's Goodwin. Dr. Goodwin the Prozac King. Well, I only bring it up because there's supposedly a link between depression and sadism and seeing other people miserable or suffer is supposed to give the sadist a boost in the reward center of the brain. I think this town needs undercover people, peacekeeping troops, and a lot more psychologists. And more than 3/4 of the people here should be in counseling and maybe take a class on "The Cult Of Culture".

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