Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Tears On The Glass & Photos of Me

Shall I be the black nun or Ladyhawk? Pondering. I dunno, I did this in tribute to the new cover of hello magazine which I saw later, after the headline for duty. I thought duty was strange enough and then hello. And criminy, all these men in frickin' red ties, just everywhere! no aliens yet. Anyway, what's the big deal about the hair? maybe it's symbolic. maybe he went incognito somewhere. maybe he just wanted a change. maybe it's his real color and all this time he's been having it bleached. maybe it's a joke on what is "real" and how much he'll reveal. maybe he never authorized it, maybe he did. maybe it's a sign. maybe it was a dare (remember the pink nails he and harry sported). At any rate, having less hair is not a big deal so not sure why hair matters at all. actually, I've thought men who are balding take pride in it, because it's a sign of higher than normal testosterone levels. Neiiigggghhh...giddyap.

these are not funny with great captions, but just a little bit of me to show how I am, weight and that the cuticles are really not so bad and I don't look so nuts or baskety, despite drastic wishes that i would.

I smeared my tears on the glass again, that faces Wenatchee and not only do I hope for justice here, I pray for it with the people who were corrupt in Washington D.C. and anywhere else they are corrupt, whether it's California, Chicago, D.C., Maryland, Virginia...wherever anyone is that has harmed me and my son, I hope for the wrath of God and his angels. And I mean, God's justice, not mine or taking things into my own hands either. After it dried, I thought they looked like blades of grass or the leaves of daffodils, and one of them dried with the middle splitting somehow and looks like a strand of wheat.

I took photos to document my nails or cuticles are not in shreds and also that I'm still looking normal. I have to get the webcam streaming but I haven't wanted to one from the U.S. I want to use one from out of the country but everytime I do a google search for one, it's like this is the last thing that will come up. As if no other country in the world has free webcam streaming services.

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