Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sad Vibe & Ambulances

Tons and tons of ambulance sirens tonight. Oh, and fire trucks.

It was an hour ago or more I felt that heaviness vibe, like something not right and worried about my son.

I suspect there are some illnesses and maybe fights tonight, and that's why the sirens but I don't know. I had the idea to mind earlier that there were some car accidents but those things do happen everyday.

I just looked up to see whether there were any accidents and instead just found something about how tons of police and FBI were in the area, looking for a missing girl. I guess came in on Friday.

I'll have to read up and see if I have any ideas. My first thought was maybe she ran away and didn't want people looking for her, but that is a dangerous assumption if not true and I don't know any details.

I hope a lot of new people come into Wenatchee and stay here. From all over, who are good people but I really want someone to help my son. And get wire taps and everything going and just a lot, a LOT of people need to be here. But I say this, and the problem must be bigger if I'm getting harassing ads from Google and Yahoo and can't listen to streaming music anymore because of the selections I end up getting. Not to mention mail and other problems.

I looked up MacKenzie's article but I have no idea. On one hand, it's dangerous to assume she ran away if she didn't, but just because she looks clean-cut and was involved in the community doesn't mean anything, in my opinion. It might be a rare individual to try to escape this place, so young, but if anyone knew what happens in this town and if they didn't agree and didn't want to be punished for not going along, they might leave. I'd like to think a lot of people start disappearing because they decide to speak up about corruption and go into the Witness Protection program.

What bothers me, is that they send 30 law enforcement and a D.C. profiler, but no one has done one thing about my son. My son is a 3 1/2 year old being repeatedly harmed and brainwashed and abused and it's all been related to intimidation. I don't know why I would think the FBI would get involved with my son when maybe a lot of them are a part of this. There wouldn't be so much intimidation and fear if larger authorities somewhere were not causing this fear, because then people don't know where to turn.

The larger problem is corruption. For one missing girl, there are about 50 abused children and parents. They get kids and teens involved young here too.
When I think about it, the vibe has felt okay but Friday it wasn't great, and it was Friday morning that I had that helicopter coming torwards my house, very direct and low. I just read about MacKenzie, that helicopters and extra law enforcement were in town to search. I still think it might be strange that one helicopter was coming past the house so low. I swear, I tried to get the camera out in time but I missed it. And then, some of the burning and non-lethal weapon stuff has continued though not so much today.

It has only happened a couple of times today, this afternoon mainly. I took photos of my nails as evidence, even though the photos are not great.

I care about my son most.

As for this girl, I'd like to see other photos. She looks familiar but I need to see more.


  1. Cameo, start thinking about some one besides yourself. The missing girl did not runaway. They found her body. You don't seem to be in reality. It's not all about you, Cameo.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    What a sad thing for you to write to me.

    First of all, I know "it" is not all about me. Whyever you would think I would believe this girls life was connected to mine in any way is beyond me.

    I do not think about just myself when I make the observations I make. I am able to see what is happening to a lot of lives and I know what is happening to my son and with my own life. If this town had a better grip on "reality" maybe this girl never would have gone missing in the first place and showed up dead. This town is not a safe place, and I had made many observations that make it clear there is a lot of corruption here and use of non-lethal weapons is only going to breed other kinds of violence as well.

    You cannot expect to encourage so many in a town to look the other way when it comes to some forms of crime and then expect the best in people. What I know is that violence is progressive and the same kind of person who is an environment that encourages foul play, bribes, lying, mind games, and other forms of sadism, is the same town which is going to breed other tragedies.

    So no, I do not think it's all about me. I see that this is about a LOT of people and I think about a lot of people, but I can also use what has happened in my own life, and the amazing things I've witnessed and seen, as a template for what is going on in other lives.

    If you don't know the past, you are condemned to repeat it, as the saying goes.

    You cannot expect to turn a blind eye to so much injustice in this state even, and think this is a safe place in general. What happens in secret will also begin to show signs in the light.

    I am very sorry for that family's loss, but on the other hand, they didn't have to witness their child being repeatedly tortured and abused with no one stepping in and everyone too scared to speak up.

    Your finger which points to me and says "it's not all about you" indicates you might also need to adjust your perspective to realize that since it's not all about me, you have better things to do with your time than read my blog and make comments which are only disparaging.

    You don't seem to be in reality, along with a lot of people in Wenatchee, if you cannot come to grips with the fact that this is not, and has not, been a safe place for many people to live, for a long time, but they're stuck here because of family reasons.

    Thank you for the update on the girl. I had a bad or sad feeling at a certain time last night and following this, all these ambulances but I don't know. I am still trying to figure things out, and do you know what? I have a right to think about things and speculate just as anyone else does. I never tried to say I had an image or impression of what happened to this girl either. I said I might try to pray about it later but I never did, and instead I just wondered, in a human way, if she ran away, because it wouldn't be unheard of.

    It's too bad she didn't run away, actually, because if she had, she might still be alive.

    I feel sorry for the children of Wenatchee, and teens, and especially those who are deemed so worthless that their lives and care means nothing.

    There are some children, belonging to some parents, that have no problems, other than that perhaps they inherit the sadism which affects their mother and father.

    It's not all about me.

    But because no one seems to realize this, they focus on only me, and not the bigger picture.


  3. I agree with the first comment. How dare you basically say that your son deserves more attention than what this poor girl has gotten? Are you not able to think that her family or friends could read your horrible statements? She was an innocent child, and here you are speculating about her mother and acting like you, who are lucky enough to still have your child alive, should be getting more help. You are disgusting.

  4. Hello, thank you for writing in to give your opinion.

    I think you misinterpreted what I have written, and I understand it's difficult to figure out what is in print sometimes, without tone or being able to see the person speaking and what kind of mode or mood they're in (which is why I'm looking into streaming webcam).

    In no way, whatsoever, was I trying to make any comparison between myself and the girl's mother. I'm not sure where this idea came from but maybe I wrote something in a misleading way or not very clearly. I'm not perfect, and I'm not a perfect communicator either. I wrote about her parents just from what information I got online, and it was factual and that was it.

    The only comparison I made, or was trying to make actually, is that while you find what I have written "disgusting" because you are sympathetic to this ONE family, I am writing about my own personal "disgust" over the negligence and atrocities which occur to MANY families and their kids and nothing is done about it.

    In NO way does this minimize what happened to this girl or her family and it's equally as horrible. The act itself, is just horrific and I AM sympathetic to the family.

    What I am NOT sympathetic about is the disaparate and unequal treatment I see between the kind of response this girl received from "30 FBI and law enforcement agents" and a D.C. profiler no less, when a few D.C. profilers should have had their asses over here years ago, to figure out what the problem is with this entire area, and this problem doesn't just affect one girl, but the lives of many.

    So my real issue, is not about downplaying what happened to this family, but in highlighting how screwed up the system is, when it sends out a whole SWAT team and Amber Alert and the FBI for white girls that are kidnapped from more affluent homes (like the girl in Utah) when every single day, there are mothers and fathers BEGGING for someone to please get involved with missing children reports and abuse, and it's like if the report is coming from lower income families, or minorities, or "activists", nothing is done.

    As for your own comment about how I should be glad because I am "lucky" "your own child is still alive" I find you have no perspective for what my son has and continues to endure.

    What my son has been forced to suffer through, for so long, is atrocious, and I did not report a missing child one day, I have been reporting evidence of crime in this whole area and then crime directed at me and my son, for a few years and then things only escalated and he is still not safe.

    I don't compare myself as a mother to this other mother. What I compare, is the reaction of the system. As for the rest of the kids in Wenatchee, I disagree this is a safe place to live. It isn't safe if you cannot speak your mind and be independent and who God created you to be, without being harassed, assaulted with non-lethal weapons, and have loved ones intimidated, threatened, and tortured.
