Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snowwoman & Snow Queen!!! Visit With My Son

I got tears in my eyes when I found this today. I just found it, just now, and I'm publishing after this sentence so it has the time.

This is so sweet and it made me think about my son and my last visit with my son. It was about fire and the Snow Queen and Snow Mountain and we had a whole story going.

It was last Wednesday and I haven't written about that visit yet.

I got to the visit and my son seemed to be in good spirits. He was ready to play with the stuffed animals right away and act things out. However, he still seemed sick and he has had memory lapses on important things the last couple of visits. Things he knows by heart and doesn't forget. I mean, at age 3 1/2, almost 4, he doesn't forget what "shoe" is and if you point to his shoe and ask him, he'll say it out loud. He hasn't been lapsing on unusual words, but very common things.

The last brainwashing session he must have had, was to trigger him to talk about water and boats and then put the priest blessing on all the animals and me, for Ash Wednesday. So that was weird and my aunt and uncle didn't come up with it, for that day in particular either. Someone taught it to him and there have been plenty of other things he's done which are coming from an adult. No playmate would even teach him some of these things.

In the bag for him, of food, my aunt had also put a roll of toilet paper that looked like my one roll which is in my bathroom now. Only a couple people would know how much toilet paper I had left, and with the sending of messages and brainwashing, I have had a pretty good idea where some of it might come from. So my son has had a runny nose almost every visit I've ever had with him and never a roll of toilet paper (the same amount that I had left). After a year of never seeing him with tissues or toilet paper, I thought it was an interesting addition and asked, "What's this for?" and the monitor said for his nose. He didn't even have a runny nose. He didn't have a runny nose the last couple times either though on other visits he has. He's had a cough and off-on fever. But zero runny nose.

So, I took the toilet paper out and after he wanted to make cake again, for the stuffed animals, (this time lemon pudding cake and last time it was strawberry and chocolate cake), ..well, I'll talk about the cakes. So he went "shopping", purchased the items for the cake and then we pretended to mix it up and bake it and feed it to the animals. Then we did some painting too, because he wanted to paint and there was no water in a container in the room so we just used some of his juice.

I told him, sometimes you can use different things and see how they work if you don't have what you want or would usually use. We didn't have a cup to get water with in the bathroom and getting water would have taken up time, so I am a fan of creative solutions and as we did last time, we used juice. And it works fine.

I suppose some would think it's strange, but I used vodka for paint thinner and it works in a pinch, just as doctors in Haiti used vodka instead of rubbing alcohol. I figure if one always sticks to convention, it's not as creative and sometimes fun discoveries can be made. For example, probably using a light juice with a watercolor paintbox would not only slightly thicken the medium, for a different effect, but might keep the paint from evaporating as easily? Or would it be the opposite? I don't know because I was thinking it might be gummy or something.

Anyway, he made his cake, and I guess I was the one who suggested buying pudding for the cake. So it ended up being a lemon cake with pudding in it.

Then we had the stuffed animals out and he wanted them to go to the air tower lookout. So we did and then I think he brought out a firetruck and I said, "Oh! theres a fire!" so we had the animals controlling the station and calling attention to the fires. He pressed different buttons which sounded alarms, at random, and then I grabbed a pony that had pink hair and a strawberry on the hindquarters and I said this was "Strawberry Snow" and she was the Snow Queen's horse and we pretended the white tiled top of a playhouse was the top of "Snow Mountain".

I said she was a Good Queen (not going along exactly with the originally Hans Christian Anderson story) and that she was sending her horse (who my son said had wings, so I told him it was then a "pegasaurus") to the rescue. My son was so excited about it and kept creating fires and then we'd "put them out" with the snow. So then I grabbed the toilet paper and unrolled it and threw the toilet paper around. My story, with him, was that there were bad people who started fires that hurt others and we were putting them out. I told him, "Good job! The whole world will know your name!"

Of course, in my mind, I was thinking about the "fires" that sickos start in the town or elsewhere with non lethal weapons and technology. As for actual fire, I hope someone destroys the equipment that these people have used to harm my son and I and other vulnerable people.

So fire was a euphensism. TP was all over the room and sometimes I would throw it up high in the air and it would fall near him.

The visitation monitor, the ENTIRE time, kept clicking and unclicking her pen and then took a piece of white paper out and tore it into tiny pieces, for seemingly no reason. ???

So we had to ask for the assistance of the Snow Queen a few times, and we brought along another horse to help too. Then, I thought it was funny, because over and over, my son kept wanting to enact these scenes, and I got the empty toilet paper tube and used it as a megaphone calling out "alert! alert!" and then he did as well. Finally, I said, "What are we going to do? too many fires! will it ever end?" and I have no clue HOW he did this, because he had been pressing all of the buttons there, at the control tower, but then he hit one and it was a helicopter sound.

So at that very moment, this helicopter noise comes on and I laughed out loud, shocked, and then said, "We have a helicopter on the way to rescue us!" and my son nodded. So here is this rescue helicopter noise, and I couldn't stop laughing for a moment, because he had been pressing all these alert buttons for at least 20 minutes or more and then suddenly, he got that one, at just that moment.

So our rescue helicopter came in and my son said it was raining down stuff to put the fires out. He made this motion of rain coming from the sky and we had rain and snow and then another fire would come up but then he'd press the helicopter button and this would come on and the helicopter people would rescue the people.

For some reason, my son pushed the firefighter guy who was in the room and I wondered if some guy had gotten access to my son in a firehat and tried to freak him out or something. My son had a strange respsone to the uniform of the fireman. So then he was fine with the other ideas of rescuers.

After this, we had a celebration party and all the animals had cake and this was with the chickie and the monkey and Maggie the suthen' crocodile, and the moody (happy happy but sometimes shy) bear, and then the horses. I sang "You Can Fly" from Peter Pan and maybe bibbity bobity boo. I know he sang zippidy doo dah and it was adorable, at this visit or last. I conducted with paintbrushes in hand and it was very sweet to hear him sing.

I'll have to go back to the other visits where we sang in mice voices and things, but for this visit first...I'll continue.

Then, he wanted the caterpillar to eat cake and I had the hungry caterpillar thinking Oliver and I were food. So then I had the caterpillar attacking me, gobbling me up, saying, "(sniff, sniff)!!!! YUMMMMYYYYY!" and then thinking I was pizza, and my son cracked up laughing. He said, "Do it again!" so I had the caterpillar thinking I was a hamburger and trying to eat me up and I pretended I was being knocked over from the force and then my son said, "Yaaaayyy! and ran over and jumped on me and gave me a hug. Then he'd step back and said, "Go! Go! caterpillar! Goooo!" and so I pretended he thought I was shepherd's pie, and a hot dog, and a corn dog, and all kinds of things and everytime I fell over from the force of the hungry caterpillar, Oliver would run over saying "yay! and jump on me in a hug.

So we put our things together and we spent so much time playing I wasn't able to get him his calendar to him and then while we were wrapping up he did this whole Ash Wednesday theme, like clockwork, like someone had really programmed it into his head. So that was sort of weird, and especially when I walked out and was then served with the termination papers of some guy wearing a shirt with a big cross on it and "Veritas". Whoever thought of all that, is not right in the head.

The only people who would have known how much toilet paper I had in the bathroom, are the people I currently live with and there are only three of them. Whether they are religious or not I don't know, and I don't know what religion.

Then, later that day I believe, or was it the next day? I think it may have been the next day, if I check, but perhaps it was the same day. People here knew I was picking up a foodbox and in the box was Peter Pan peanut butter, and a lemon pudding cake, in a ring shape of course, and "Snow's" chowder, among other things and since I am not sure what to make of all of it, I am going to put the photos online so people can see for themselves. Sure, coincidences happen, but that lemon pudding cake was on the top, and meant for me to notice, and it's been clear for a very long time that everything about my visits is spread to others before I ever talk about it or write about it. Yet these corrupt people block ME from audio recording to defend the lies that are written.

Oh, I did make a calendar for him, now I remember, because I painted it for him and showed him he would see me Friday instead of Wednesday and then he never got to see his mother.

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