Saturday, February 20, 2010

Arizona & CIA

For the CIA's information, if the CIA should care, I am not moving to Arizona. I say CIA because apparently the FCC thinks what is going on with my phone lines is beyond the norm, and the last communications guy I talked to, did work for the CIA in Washington D.C. I saw him almost whenever I was at a cafe and he was there as well. For anyone to expect me to believe the CIA doesn't know what's going on, when I was directly talked to, is wrong. I'd like to know what the CIA and Department of Defense think I'm going to do in Arizona.

I filled out my FAFSA and I'm getting college loan money and when I do, I'm using it to appeal and get my son back, should these people go forward with plans to terminate. Not only that, I will be a major headache for a lot of people if I have to go through and start obtaining documents about state and government agencies through FOIA. And I will proceed with complaints to the UN as well, if I have to, as they've told me I can file a complaint with them which they will accept.

I found out the main editor in chief of a newspaper that was going to run my story about what is happening with my case, was fired.

After 20-some years in the newspaper industry, she suddenly got the boot, just a couple weeks after I talked to this paper and they were going to run my story.

Running my story in a paper, no matter how small, would have made it more accessible to larger newspapers and media and I guess someone didn't want that to happen.

Let me get this fucking straight. The CIA and Department of Defense gift me with a laptop and partway through deciding what to do with me, hope to put me in federal jail in Maryland, and now I'm supposed to smile about my son's rights and desires being ignored and skip on over to Arizona?

This is straight up CIA and Department of Defense. Everything that has been happening, has been through them. They've used other people to accomplish a few things, but there is no way in HELL that this many things could happen to me and my son, with U.S. government approval and sanction, without it being straight up fuckin' CIA.

Not even the FBI would do all this shit.

I'm sorry, but no mob or mafia or any group, is allowed to do all the crazy things that have been allowed, unless this is coming from the top. Or maybe that's the bottom since I figured out I'm the one who's on top.

There is no way in HELL, that Google AND Yahoo and different media outlets or whatever, are pulling all these pranks without direct involvement with the CIA and Department of Defense. No way in hell. Believe me, I am sure they have people doing their dirty work for them, but they're the ones behind this.

I have never heard of, in my entire life, this kind of operation, to the level it's been taken, and then having every single U.S. government person trying to screw things up for me and my son. No way in HELL. I am not even sure that The Post Pub isn't some kind of CIA cover business for a lot of other things. I saw the kind of people who went there. Tons of top brass military, and where else should they find a meal that's guaranteed safe to eat? Sure.

This is unbelievable.


I want my son, and then YOU can have a little more of my fuckin' respect.

I really thought it was a joke, actually, a total joke, when I saw one guy coming out of a Catholic church in Seattle with "CIA" on his shirt. And then I thought it was a psych when I saw someone with this on their shirt at the local Catholic church, the Irish guy who wore the shirt. But no, they may have thought it was funny, but they were not fucking kidding either.

What has been happening to me and my son has been done with the FULL knowledge and consent of the CIA and the U.S. Department of Defense. Yeah, yeah, mobs and mafia and even religions have power. Whatever. But the people steering the fucking boat, are CIA and Department of Defense.

You can't tell me, with all the things I've been through, and all the people who took such an interest in my mind and abilities and how I handled being almost fried to death with my son...sorry, but you knew.

CIA doesn't just drop off a laptop with someone and then check out forever. This was a straight up hump and dump.

I want my SON and you had better make sure the bastards clean up this mess and straighten themselves out. And leave my SON ALONE you fuckers. You tell "the big boss" or whoever is in charge of this latest experiment to stay away from my son or you will have an enormous PR problem on your hands. I am quite sure you know how to get the message from your fucking boardroom and labs to the mob guy who then can tell his guys. Keep your fucking hands and technology away from my son.

NO one, not even the FBI, screws around like this unless they think they can get away with it because it's coming from someone in an even higher position. This is why I saw all the shocked and surprised and happy middle aged guys at the Safeway, the night after I gave my ultimatum about what you are going to do and how the CIA and mafia work together. You keep "la veritas" from the people, and screw around with me?

I know the mafia has power, or mob, and I know religion has power. But here, in the U.S., even if they mix with the government, no one is able to continually pull the kind of shit that's been pulled in my case with my son, and our lives, without the direct knowledge and consent of the CIA and Department of Defense.

I am NOT your fucking lab rat. Neither is my son, and that you have allowed crime to continue with my son and all of these sick experiments, without protecting him, and by directly interfering, is disgusting. What mother has to suffer the way I've suffered, in my own country, needlessly? What child? And all of you have KNOWN my son needs protection and you've known the only person speaking up for him is ME.

Good God, yes.

I don't know of any other organization that would want to control Google, which is a mine of information and computer intelligence, control other aspects of media, and give clearance to helicopters and jets to fly in totally bizarre locations where no one else would ever get a clearance, take control over telephone communications and transfer calls made to one location to a totally different location, and then allow the continued abuse and torture of a mother and child after PAYING ME a fucking visit in person with HOW MANY PEOPLE? I don't know of any other organization that would know what the FBI and Department of Defense is up to and make these people feel so comfortable as to lie to me and try to screw me and my son over. The people in Wenatchee CAN be managed, and yet you choose to do nothing.

It is one thing, to not be able to get anywhere with one FBI field office, but it's another thing entirely when I can't get anywhere with ANY U.S. agency, when you and I, we, we all know, that you know I'm not nuts, and you know what was happening with me and my son, and you know about the corruption, and you have people in place to block me from getting anywhere, or going anywhere, and trying to lead a normal life with my son.

You also know who is sick and who I was supposed to be a nurse for. You FUCKERS.

You allow Wenatchee and Washington state to play their hand at small time Peanuts donkey ball. You allow religion to interfere with politics and justice and try to stir up problems and then allow it with more than one religion too. And you know damn well what's going down over here.

Culinary Institute Of America my ass. Here's your "bee-atch stew" (and that is inside vernacular for someone who remembers exactly what he said).

You know how to "align the stars" but you can't manage to help a little boy who you know very well needs his mother.

NO ONE has ever heard of the kind of interest going into me, that has gone into me...into trying to lock me up in some place, screwing with my son, experimenting on me and my son, and then what? Who the HELL ever heard of someone having to have a fucking I.Q. test for CPS? You got someone to talk to someone to arrange that it was required. I talked to a great number of psychologists who said they had NEVER heard of such a thing being done unless a parent was presumed retarded and I hardly think that was the case. It was a case of the government taking liberties with me and allowing others to do horrible things to me and my son, and then refusing to help or take responsibility. And then, they want to know how smart I am.

Now, you have allowed this to continue, and have encouraged harm to my child, and because your plans didn't work out however you wanted them to work out, you want to drop me off in fucking Arizona, where it's "crime free". Right. And do what?

I am not leaving my son and I am not going to be trapped here forever either.

I cannot imagine why ANYONE would think this behavior, is good for the reputation of the U.S., or any church at all. I do not think people are applauding the government when they hear about someone trying to go through the normal and regular channels for assistance and seeing evidence of torture and abuse and harassment instead.

This kind of thing is demoralizing to the country and it also sets the stage for loss of faith. That anyone is allowed to do these things, to one person, makes people in Iran, and North Korea, and Iraq, and other places...they feel even more justified to invade. They hear about someone who is just trying to access the U.S. Justice system, in the regular ways, a mother trying to protect and care for her child, and they think, "For this, she gets a slap in the face." I am sure there are people who are shocked to hear that a mother who is trying to do the right thing and not play favorites anywhere, is harassed and persecuted this way, and blocked from due process. Like the guy from Iran said, "I've never heard of people in the U.S. doing this to their own citizens...I know other country's do, but I never imagined the U.S..."

When it is clear I was railroaded, it may be thrilling for Washington state and many persons in the NW or even some on the East Coast. But the majority of the public, and those who do not live in the U.S., wonder what the hell is going on. Just like the Canadian guy who said I needed to tell him my story because he could tell "something isn't right". Damn right it's not right. But there were a few people in Canada even, who were going along with what the U.S. or Washington state people wanted.

When I asked an FBI employee, "What's the difference between the CIA and the FBI?" I was told, "The FBI is better."

Well, so far, over here, the FBI has done nothing for my son. Instead, they have blocked any attempt of my making a report at all, about anything and they wouldn't do this unless they knew their top person in charge approved--Laughlin. It's not everybody in the FBI, but it's the people who care about me enough to intentionally stand in the way of my getting to anybody normal.

I would think that instead of plotting against me and spending so much time and energy doing bizarre things and allowing harm to continue against me and my son, I would think, someone in the U.S. would think, "This is not in the best interests of our country." I have been a squeaky wheel, and I wouldn't be writing about these things if they were not happening.

The easiest way to shut me up is to make me happy, which would be to quit trying to take something that was never yours to begin with. I cannot fathom, why in the world, allowing the corruption to continue, just to maliciously keep a mother and child apart, is a good idea. It is not helping anyone to feel more confident about the justice system. People might not agree with me or even like me, but anyone with common sense knows right off that if this is what is happening to me, they wonder how many others it's happening to, and see it all as a failure. They only see me as someone who is articulate and will talk about it. On one hand, some could see this and praise the well organized collusion of so many and if they hate me, applaud. On the other hand, a normal person would view this as direct evidence that the system is completely broken and the U.S. is corrupt and no one cares to make a change.

So sure, make Wenatchee people happy, and Washington, and some in Oregon, California and a few in D.C. too. But for the price of making a few sadists happy, many more people hear what is happening to me and my son and they are aghast. It does not inspire confidence.

The U.S. prides itself on equality and not allowing discrimination and allowing free speech and not punishing people for their speech. It prides itself on their human rights record. Even if people do not get along or agree with one anothers' values, we still agree everyone gets a fair shot at life and is independent. I think it's very sad when this many people are more concerned with getting personal satisfaction from screwing someone over, than they are about serving their country and giving the country a good name.

I cannot imagine why the fuck the U.S. would even allow this or encourage this. I want my son and I am not going anywhere until he is with me. Any attempts to drive me out or harm me and my son in the meantime will backfire.

I am so sorry that anyone has to suffer at all, for me or my son when the U.S. isn't doing their fucking job.

All of my searches are now conducted in Chinese. If I start talking about Germany, the youtube is playing songs in German language. If I start talking about the Middle East, the search engines and bars start using Arabic and my dates and times are in Arabic. If I talk about China's bride shortage or about the Chinese guy who made a snowwoman, everything is in Chinese.

CIA. Or what? NSA? Or is Steve Blum just the personal manager for all of my internet needs?


  1. Nobody wants you to move to Arizonia, Cameo. I feel so sorry for you. You are very mentally ill. No one and no body is after you. The only one after you is your self. Really, Cameo, no one cares.

  2. Nobody wants you to move to Arizonia, Cameo. I feel so sorry for you. You are very mentally ill. No one and no body is after you. The only one after you is your self. Really, Cameo, no one cares.

  3. you think you have trouble now? if you are seriously thinking you can use financial aid money for an appeal, you'll really have all kinds of legal trouble. they don't let you use your financial aid money for just anything anymore. you have to go to school and you show how you spent the money on your income taxes. oh, and if you previously have loans for college and haven't paid them back, good luck actually getting financial aid money. it won't happen. it might show that you get financial aid money but you don't get it until they actually process the paperwork and check things out.
    oh, and the getting fired after 20 years? yeah, it can happen because it's called a recession.

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    If no one cares, and you're trying to make this point, I find it strange that you should write and try to tell me "no one cares".

    Secondly, what do you know about my life? nothing. You have probably never met anyone in intelligence or from a foreign embassy or who works for the CIA (or FBI for that matter) in your life. You have probably never even lived outside of the state of Washington. You have absolutely no clue as to whom I've met and known.

    You also do not have any information as to the number of people who have tried to recommend I move to Arizona, of late, and you were not there when my phone call made to a law office in Colorado, was transfered to apartment housing in Arizona. I have had my calls transfered to Arizona a number of time lately and no one would do this except someone who has the ability.

    I know who I was dealing with in D.C. and people on the East Coast believe me.

    If I moved out of the state again, at this very moment, I could secure a job and have a normal life just as I did when people tried to say nothing was going on with my son and I in East Wenatchee.

    When I was writing about someone letting my blood go into an IV and not taking it out, no one believed me until I posted the evidence online.

    The only people who want to assert mental illness and cover for individuals who did things they shouldn't have done, are people like yourself, and I'm sure you have a skeleton or two in your closet.

    As for CIA and Department of Defense, I not only talked to these people, I lived with these people. So don't fucking tell me what I know.

  5. I blogged about, and told people, I had a paper accept my idea for an article. Some people knew which one and they fired the editor in chief. There was no "recession" problem, because they hired someone else. They replaced her. So it's not like she was laid off and they were trying to save money. They fully fired the woman.

    As for using college money, it's called "living expenses" and I know how to use my money and invest it when I have it and I also know the law a lot better than most.

    I find it strange you want to discourage me from doing what I can and try to threaten legal consequences. If I didn't already know the law, I would be intimidated by someone like you and it's too bad that you are out there to discourage, rather than encourage others.

  6. I blogged about, and told people, I had a paper accept my idea for an article. Some people knew which one and they fired the editor in chief. There was no "recession" problem, because they hired someone else. They replaced her. So it's not like she was laid off and they were trying to save money. They fully fired the woman.

    As for using college money, it's called "living expenses" and I know how to use my money and invest it when I have it and I also know the law a lot better than most.

    I find it strange you want to discourage me from doing what I can and try to threaten legal consequences. If I didn't already know the law, I would be intimidated by someone like you and it's too bad that you are out there to discourage, rather than encourage others.
