Saturday, February 20, 2010

Trying For Cold Reading On FBIs Laurie Laughlin

I decided, I'm not inspired at all tonight, but I'm going to try for a cold reading of Seattle FBI's Laurie Laughlin. The problem is, I don't know if I will be very good when I'm not impressed with this office in general anyway. So I don't want my human impressions to affect anything. But I can try, at least. I can try.

First of all, who is Patrick James Maley?

I looked at her photo for the first time, earlier today and my first thought was, "Hard as nails." That's what I got, from a human impression of looking at the photo.

I don't feel I got any good information about her really. I don't think tonight is a good night to try for it, but I wrote down things that came to mind, and if my wires got crossed they did, but I got, first--off the bat: incest. Incest on what or where the situation is, I have no idea. I wondered if it was something from her own family history, that was first impression, but it could be there is an ongoing case regarding this.

The second thing was I wondered if she has a sister but I don't know. It just came to mind. Then "Eagle Eyes" as a nickname or something, came to mind. Gymnastics came to mind, that she was in gymnastics but then I wondered about this and felt maybe it was for someone else. The word gymnastics to mind though. Then Martin Bashir. The word "elders" came to mind. I don't know in what way and I humanly tried to think "respect your elders" but Mormon elders came to mind as well. The word "extradite" but I'm sure people are extradited all the time. Someone named Desiree. Then "coroner". Basketball, that she played or plays basketball but I just saw gym shoes on a floor so maybe it wasn't BB, but she had BB type shorts on. the pun on pseudonymn as pseudogym. Farm. Edgar Cayce. Mountain biking. Grey thinly ribbed cotton underwear. Solid color, solid grey and I was asking about her underwear so it was something no one should really know, but this is what I got and yet I don't know if they're hers. If not hers, from a case or maybe someone close to her. Heirlooms, that she has heirlooms and likes them. Maybe a rocking chair? also thought of a doll, but thought, in human disagreement with what I thought I saw, I couldn't picture her with a doll of any kind. Little girl, white cotton summer dress, skipping rope, double dutch. Koalas.

So that's what I got, but wires might be crossed tonight. The incest thing was very prominent. I also got something about diamond stud earrings, but I've seen a lot of those lately and I suppose many women have a pair and maybe she doesn't have any at all. I don't know. I got the impression she reads fiction novels too, mystery and the occasional seriously trashy novel but that's the human reading I get while looking at her photo, is I can picture her reading this sort of thing. I tried to see magazines but only got an idea of magazines about guns and equipment. I thought I got "gourmet" or some kind of cooking magazine but dismissed the idea thinking it might be human and not an image.

I covered up her profile and didn't read it until I was done and then I was surprised to see she's done work with mafia cases and a lot of public corruption. To me, it seems strange, since I keep getting people from her offices who are trying to obstruct justice, so I was surprised.

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