Tuesday, February 23, 2010

State Files For Termination Without Providing Services

Basically, the state claimed I needed services but didn't provide them to me in a timely manner and then wants to file for termination when time was up. I had to go out of my way, on my own, with no help from the state or my lawyer, to even get the head exam done. They refused to get involved even though it was THEIR responsibility to do so.

I am probably going on anti-anxiety medications NOW, because of the intentional infliction of emotional distress. When there is a civil case, it will show what I've been through, not that it's not already obvious from all of my desperate emails and some of my blogging.

I was not able to help myself on this case because of the suffering over my son. It has been horrid what has happened to the two of us. So I waited for a lawyer and my lawyers never did anything to help me in the case. Not once. All they wanted to do were favors to the other side.

They and the state workers stalled in every possible way, to just run the clock out so there was an excuse to file for termination even if there were no real grounds. My lawyer now has known what kind of timeline I had and he did NOTHING to protect my rights or the rights of my son. NOTHING.

He claims he wants to write motions. He has information already. And yet he doesn't set the hearing back? what is he filing motions for then? he already told me he wouldn't be my lawyer in a month.

So who is he filing motions for? He went from saying they were going to do all these things, to totally doing a turn-about and filing for termination without giving me any notice or heads up about it at all.

I will post the rest of my emails to him, tomorrow.

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