Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Justin Titus, My Lawyer...Jesuit?

Now I'm confused. I thought Justin, my lawyer who has done all these weird things...I thought he was Jewish and I was wondering because I was trying to figure out why he was working so hard to screw me over in this case. So I thought, well, maybe if he's Jewish and he has to find fellowship with someone, he goes with Kyle Flick, who is the attorney for my family. I wondered if there was a little conflict because I haven't been able to figure out why he's tried so hard to ruin this case.

So I looked up his profile for the first time, and he KNOWS I've thought he was Jewish, and he made me think so too, and yet the school he went to is Jesuit. A Catholic Jesuit law school from Seattle. ?

Not only that, the school he went to before this was in Oregon, where I first had issues. I was near his college in Oregon at the time he went there.

So now I am wondering. He used something against me under the table, and no other lawyer I've ever gone to or been around has done this. I don't know what his affiliation is or how to figure out why he's been so against me.

Even my mother and father thought there was something very strange and they are pragmatic in the extreme. They make excuses for everyone but not for him. They thought something was wrong.

So this is getting really weird. He has obviously had hidden motives and agenda on this case.

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