Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Law Firm Is Jesuit Catholic?

I just looked up the same firm that has blocked me from even helping myself to work on my case pro se. It is the first time I've ever done this. I found out, the man who was "larger", who I thought was the good guy there, I looked up all these photos and found out he is not even with this law firm. I was thinking of some other man whom I've seen and know is sympathetic.

All of these guys have been mean to me, rude, and told me they weren't going to help me. Not only that, one of their secretaries, on her own vacation, did a weird stalking thing in her car, a sedan, if that was her.

I just looked these guys up and every single one of them is from a Catholic college. Which doesn't matter and wouldn't have influenced what I thought, but after having them treat me the way they have, I have seriously wondered what the hell is going on.

Two of the lawyers are from Gonzaga. One is from Seattle University. The other is from Notre Dame. All of these schools are Jesuit schools

Which, now is getting sort of weird, when the monitor is also Catholic, and so is the AG, Anne, and then the Judge in Waterville, along with all these lawyers? So is this why all the religious stuff came up again?

I wasn't even thinking about it and yet I'm sorry, but it kept coming up and I wasn't the one bringing it up. To serve me with a crucifix and "veritas"?

I was thinking maybe someone was just doing this to make some look bad, but now the whole thing is just looking bad.

All this time, I thought Justin was Jewish and he KNEW I thought this.

No law firm has treated me worse than this one, out of all of them. Or screwed me over more. Now that this knowledge is combined with the other weird things they were doing, I feel very shocked and disappointed.

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