Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Visit With Son

My son did not look well today. Just Monday he looked great, or better even though he was getting over something but I suspect he's been going through what I have been, and he didn't look good. Circles under his eyes. And he had a scratch across the top of his head on one side, cheek, on the right.

He was wearing a transformers shirt which is interesting, given some of the horrible things I've been through lately. It is as if someone wanted to jack it up for some reason, and harm both me and my son so I would talk about it, and even if it sounds unbelievable, it's true.

I was trying to write about Seattle and Bainbridge things and mind games which have been played and it started up all over again.

Today the monitor didn't do anything unusual at all, or anything I would notice, and she actually agreed to see if we could make up a visit for Friday, which my son and I were very, very, happy about. My son was so excited to see me he couldn't stop laughing, and everyone could see. It was really wonderful. He was just overjoyed and didn't hide it. And at the end he made me promise I wasn't going to leave and was really happy about the idea of seeing me an extra day, on Friday.

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