Thursday, February 25, 2010

Unexpected Nap & Dream Today

I talked to my ex and then laid down just to rest and ended up having a long dream which I remember most of and then fell back asleep and couldn't help it--I napped or slept until about 8 p.m. From maybe 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. I've been sick with bronchitis and there have been other things going on.

The dream featured everything from Queen Elizabeth and others, to a short dance with William, to getting into a car and finding my brakes were out as I rolled past a couple of men from the CIA and other intel.

I haven't had a lot of royalty things on my mind at all. Not at all. I did look up about 2 or 3 articles today though and so this is probably what influenced the dream.

I don't remember it all now, but there were very lengthy scenes with Queen Elizabeth. And at some point, there was a big party or it was a ballroom or something with chairs and tables around the sides and I was on one side with a few people and she was at another table, on the other side, with Will and others.

She approached me and kept changing her mind about me. She liked me and then she thought I was too much, and then at the end, I was joking with her and said she didn't have to worry, I already liked certain pursuits, and it was sincere. Kind of weird thing to say, but it was a dream. I said something about my hobbies and things I enjoyed and she had this look in her eyes and said something about my being "the one" (for what I have no idea) but in need of so much work or something.

I then sat down and she went back and that was going to be it and then at that moment a song came on from either Callie Colbait or Taylor Swift and it wasn't one I'd heard before, and I saw Will stand up at his table, when he wouldn't normally take a stand and would sit. I cannot imagine he would ever look good in this color, but he wore an orange suit jacket. Sort of like we might be apart forever and this was one chance to dance. So he stood and wanted me to dance with him and we went to the floor and danced and in the dream, it was very strange, slow dancing sort of gliding or perfect sync or something--very natural and then I thought maybe it seemed so fluid because I was sliding my feet on the floor and not picking them up at all (thinking maybe i wasn't doing something right). We danced, and I don't remember saying a word, no talking, just the dance and only for a 1/3 of the song and then a friend or someone knocked me over to the floor--I got tackled. Either no one was supposed to see and it drew attention, or someone wanted it to stop, or it was premature or something. So I was flat out on the floor and we were led separate ways or went apart, never speaking. Oh, I did say something, I told him he was a good dancer and he said the same of me but it was more like it was just like we'd been doing it forever, not that either was that great at it.

There were a lot of little scenes inbetween but then I was outside and driving a Toyata Camry (see, how dreams are affected by news as this was I'm sure). It was white and it was snowing outside and I went a certain direction, oh wait, first I was walking and helping Granny. But I saw people drive by laughing like I'd lost her and I looked behind and she wasn't there. So I got in this car and drove to find her and she was going a different direction and was not really herself and acting like she had the Alzheimers but I was trying to help. So I drove by and was going to pick her up and then I found my brakes were out. The car started rolling backwards, with no brakes. As it did, I passed some CIA men who saw what was happening and they laughed, and there were other intel involved was the feeling I got.

I kept rolling backwards and went from one town to the other trying to find the brakes. Finally, I was about to crash, and I woke up.

It wasn't to mean anything in particular I don't think as I think it jumbled a lot of experiences.

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