Thursday, February 25, 2010

Visit With Son (Start Your Engines & "Brown" Cake)

I already mentioned how excited my son was to see me. He was just giggling and laughing out loud and then ran and I chased him in the lobby and I think it's obvious to anyone how much we love eachother. Anyone could tell what a highlight it was for him.

He was wearing green and brown with brown pants and jacket. He looked like he had not been sleeping but I notice I have the exact same look under my eyes, as he does and it is probably because of exposure to other things as well. There is no reason why my son and I should both have the same dark circles.

So as soon as he was in, he wanted to play with the animals but I wasn't quite as enthusiastic with a cold. I asked if he wanted to read stories first but no, he wanted the animals to have skits. So I was thinking I should have puppets and could do full on puppet shows.

First we played with the animals as if they were playing duck-duck-goose with one another and then Red Rover Red Rover but duck duck goose was easier and then I chased him around too, and with the animals and he did some fancy footwork trying to get away and just laughing. Lots of laughing but then he had the coughing as did I so we stopped.

I said with the colds we should do things which were more calm and he said okay and then, after I had noticed the military guy on the table, which was lying down, and the parrot, I later realized, all that my son really did in the visit was repeat things. For example, he said over and over, "I want cake Mama. Mama, I want cake. I want cake." at least 7 times and then, "and we'll make cake, and we'll make cake, and we'll make cake" like a broken record but it wasn't like him, it was like someone had programmed the hell out of him.

I am getting the impression that while my aunt and uncle are saying nothing they are also desperate and want someone higher up to intervene. They are not saying anything but it is because they will also be in more trouble, or are part of it. I think they are being intimidated and threatened. And neither one of them would systematically brainwash my son to say these things over and over. I asked him about something simple and my son was also distressed that he couldn't remember. He felt he should remember and was upset and said Mama, I can't remember and looked upset and sad about it.

I asked him what he'd like the animals to do and he decided they were going to play "start your engines". He wanted them to race up against eachother, across a line, and used his hands as a megaphone, saying, over and over "start your engines". While I know kids play these kinds of games, it seemed to me that someone wanted him to play this. He had fun though, and I made the animals race. He called several ties and some wins.

Then he wanted to "make a cake" and went shopping for ingredients and I said what if we have a restaurant and he could be the chef? So he nodded and we bought many ingredients, for steak and mushrooms in white peppercorn sauce, and puccing or custard, and he thought of ingredients and he made his cake and then we set up the table for the animals. However, then I saw more proof of brainwashing.

My aunt usually puts a sandwich in my son's lunch. He had instead, strawberry banana juice (and people who have harmed or tried to intimidate me or my son have brought up bananas to mock the lack of potassium resultant from illegal use of technology agaisnt me and my son). So my son and I have been both going through a lot again and I was told by someone "We were giving you a break--your break is over." I guess that "break" came with intermittent use of Wenatchee weapons, which I found, online, are not difficult to come by and are small enough to fit in a pocket. Some are the size of a lipstick.

My aunt had a cough drop in his lunch, a strawberry kiwi yogurt, and the juice, along with 7 BBQ pringles. When my son saw the Pringles and took them out, he began laying them out on the table like cards. One, systematically, after the other, like in a tarot line up. I asked him if he wanted to feed them to the animals but when he did this, to take them out, he went into auto pilot, and laid them out with exact timing in an almost robot way. I said nothing, and never say a thing, to make him feel self conscious, but he knows he's been harmed and in this visit I did make mention of knowing there were bad people in the world who hurt others and don't worry, and it's not his fault, and told him he was very brave.

Then torwards the end, he kept repeating the cake thing over and over and it just made me sad. He isn't autistic in the least. Someone put that parrot stick thing there for a reason and then had my son just brainwashed to hell to repeat things over and over when this is not typical for him. The last thing my son said to me, was that he wanted "brown cake".

My aunt and uncle would not refer to any kind of cake as "brown cake". He would say chocolate cake. But he kept saying next time to bring brown cake.

Something literally needs to be done about the person and people who have had access to my son.

My son has not only done things like this, he in another visit which I didn't detail completely, before that entire visit, on the way to his visit, someone was driving a Mercedes that looked like Granny's car, past me back and forth several times. Then I went to the visit with my son and someone had told my son to break up pieces of cheese into tiny little pieces and pile them on top of a cracker instead of laying the whole piece of cheese down. This is what I described Granny doing, with cheese sandwiches. My grandmother wouldn't tell me son to do this or show him this. She wouldn't even put my son up high enough to see the cutting board because she has a bad back and wouldn't be able to put him on a chair. And seeing Granny do this once or twice wouldn't influence him and override how he normally puts a whole slice of cheese on a cracker. After this visit with my son, I walked back and someone was driving that same Mercedes back and forth again, the one that Granny usually drives or used to drive all the time.

One day he was talking about getting a chocolate donut and watching cartoons after the visit, like somene brainwashes him and then either punishes him or rewards him.

My son, in this last visit, also brought up christmas but brought up snow and lights and things some people in Wenatchee have tried to bring up to threaten me with at times, knowing when my son and I first went through the horrible things we went through. They would come up and threaten me, saying there would be snow soon (as if this would cover crime) and a whole bunch of other things, trying to threaten and scare me. One incident occured at Safeway and I wrote about it a long time ago. So I wondered why my son was bringing up Christmas but it may have been normal, however, I wonder because so many things are NOT normal. But I went along and had a Christmas with all the animals and had them opening up gifts and he gave them books for gifts and then would give them a hug when I hugged him with them.

He didn't want to leave and wanted to stay with me and just held on and hugged me for a very long time. He didn't let go for a long time and had tears and when I told him he might get to see me an extra day he was really happy about it.

I found out my son is not going to the daycare, so it's too bad he is not seeing kids and this is probably hard for him. He should be at another preschool. My aunt says she's been off from work so if he's at home, someone is going to the Avilas or is being taken from the Avilas to a different house or out somewhere in the orchard for someone to have access to him.

It is now not occuring at his daycare, if it was before. It is being done elsewhere.

The other thing I noticed after this visit, was that later, a car kept driving around me with 3 men in it and they kept yelling "Do you need a lift?" This was all on Wednesday and that occured at about 5-6 p.m. But no one says "do you need a lift" here. They say "ride". But not just once did they say this, sort of mocking, but then they pulled into a parking lot in front of me, and said it again as they drove by and charged back into traffic. I kept wondering why they made a big deal out of the word lift and thought maybe it was just implying I was down or something. But men of that age, over here, never use this terminology.

I should also add, when I write that my son laid out pringles one by one, I mentioned it was like tarot but that's interpretation and it was like cards basically, of some kind. Someone had told him to lay the chips out like cards.

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