Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Law Firm Unlawfully Obtains MRIs & Mackenzie

I don't even remember where I was. I guess I was at the part where the blond woman was actually doing something with her laptop in the cafe and thought it was funny. What's weird is that I recently noticed my former lawyer's sister I think, sort of looks like her (sister or cousin) but it's not her I don't believe and I would have to see the face up close. The hair was more blond I thought and I have no idea why anyone related to him would be involved at all. But she sort of matches the drawing I drew.

I just found out he went ahead and got my MRI records of my head and neck after I told his offices not to and they didn't even have a release form. This was after he and his firm had already said they weren't going to help me.

I signed the release on the 10th of February but immediately withdraw my consent and I had never given his law firm consent anyway. He and his secretary told me I was signing a consent for the state and that after THEY had copies, then HE would receive the information through their requirement to share discovery. So I said, stop, basically, and said I didn't want them to have the records immediately because I might need to go to an authority with them and they would be evidence, and right after I said that, his law firm pounced upon getting those records.

They didn't even care about the records at all, and he was very ho-hum about them, until I said I didn't want them to be out there.

So I called the medical clinic to find out how they got them, when I specifically talked to his firm and sent email indicating I didn't want them to be received.

I talked to medical records and medical records said nothing went through them, and they receive all of the attorney's requests. But they didn't get anything. So I went to the neurologist, who wrote up my evaluation as having migraines of zero severity, and the woman told me my lawyer called them and asked them to send the records over. She said she told him they didn't have a release to do this and that he then said he had a release and he faxed over the STATE release and it was scanned in on February 23rd, 2010.

This was after he knew I didn't want those records going out and after he'd already said he wasn't going to be working on my case and I would be appointed some other lawyer. Of course, this is also after he hadn't been working on my case all along.

What was weird, was that there was only ONE point where it looked like maybe someone was trying to rally to help me get the records together and my lawyer sent me all this email saying they were going to try doing all these different things for me at the next hearing, and then as soon as Mackenzie ended up missing on the 9th, they filed for termination on the 9th, and changed their whole story. It was on that day.

Right after that day, my own lawyer changed his whole story, in email even, and claimed the next hearing wasn't at all for me or for making motions for increased visitation or other things he said it was scheduled for. All of a sudden, he and the AG and the other state workers had decided to terminate my rights and claimed this hearing was for only requesting a notice go in to formerly terminate biological father rights.

They changed the WHOLE thing, right after she disappeared. It went from one thing to something completely different within the same day.

And then after that, it was like no one cared about hiding hardly anything anymore and I started getting a lot of overt harassment about Catholic stuff again, even from the past which I thought was over. And THEN, I had someone say Mackenzie was Catholic maybe or that her family was. I don't know if this is true. But I don't know why someone would bring it up.

Then it was just one thing after the other, and people were bringing up not just old Abbey monk and lawyer things from the past, but stuff that was from what happened to me and my son on the East Coast.

When I went to Bainbridge and Seattle, I was getting sort of a 1-2 thing everytime. I kept running into people, or being introduced to people where one guy was supposedly Catholic and the other one was supposedly Jewish and they were doing a lot of mind game stuff. But I kept getting this combo pairing, like it was supposed to have a point. But I'm not sure what the point was. It sort of was happening on the East Coast but I felt some of the people there cared. I would meet people of all faiths and it wasn't a big deal one way or the other. But then torwards the end it ended up being a lot of Catholic stuff I kept coming across, and I had a lot of people from Israel wanting to talk to me, or who were Jewish, but I figured this was because I'd been meeting people from Pakistan so maybe there was an interest. Or, I thought, maybe because this guy I was with briefly, whose children I was carrying, his girlfriend was Jewish. I wasn't sure why I was getting the attention.

But see, I remember, for example, when I reported a death threat at the Pub, this one guy who was Protestant I think, was really horrible to me and the other guy who was Catholic (had a medal around his neck), knew something was seriously wrong. So it was depending upon the person, but there was some group or some kind of interest different groups had in me. I forgot all about the religious stuff for awhile but I think it has to do with something. I just don't know what. I also know a few Irish catholics were sincerely concerned as well as Protestant ones. I met a lot of people. I will maybe elaborate on what I mean by the 1-2 pairing thing that kept coming up but it was really strange. I didn't know why anyone would do this but maybe it was just for mind games and nothing more. It happened in a taxi, where a couple got in when I was just driving around with the driver, in Seattle more than once, it was a tag team thing with psychologists who kept backing out on me after stringing me along...And a few specific issues kept coming up as well. Like taxes over and over. Like, did I do my taxes and what did I do and all of this. It just made me think about when I said something about the Rabbi and my tax situation and I wondered if someone was just trying to get me on something. Because so much effort went into trying to dig up taxes stuff when my answer was always the same. And who was the father, everyone would ask over and over and it was always the same thing.

And again, this isn't to implicate a whole group, because believe me, some people have really gone out of their way and been such good people, and been of any faith. And there have been plenty of mean Protestants too, but some of the tag teaming for awhile, has been made to be obvious to me so I've wondered why. I think smaller, very specific groups have had an interest and then just wanted to use different angles and people to get others to gang up against me and just stir up hatred.

Because I've met a lot of people who have gone out of their way to do the right thing or to be kind and sometimes it's not who you think. But there are others who have really gone out of their way to screw me and my son over and they've been working very hard at it, for a very long time.

I don't even think my parents know the half of it. They may think they know what's been going on, but I do not believe they know the half of it.

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