Monday, March 8, 2010

Computer Hacking & Problems

Now I'm having problems with my laptop. I have been having problems since yesterday, just holding and stopping all of my videos. Almost all my videos being stopped at a certain point.

As soon as I started to blog this, then the video finally started working. After tons of problems with all of them.


  1. that all depends on the size of your hard drive, the capacity, the web site itself. also if you haven't deleted 'cookies' or do any of the maintenance, you will get bogged down and get all kinds of pop ups (all based on the 'cookies' from different web sites you've been to). i routinely delete my history and cookies and other speed maintenance on my computer (laptop as well as desk top). makes a huge difference on how my computer runs.

  2. Thank you for your comments.

    I should explain better but I don't know how to. It's not just simple overheating like a mechanical problem.

    It's something else.

    It's like overheating as a sensation that is somehow radiating from the laptop? I don't know how, because it doesn't make a difference if I cover the webcam or not (don't know why that would matter) and it might be just having hands on it, or around it.

    But it's a static-y, buzzing kind of feeling on the keyboard, an actual feeling...

    No, I'm not nuts, because if I take my hands off the computer and go to something else, there is nothing. I literally feel something from the laptop. I could walk over to the bookshelf or to the kitchen or bathroom and then be fine, but the more resultant problem is a benign twitching that occurs in the muscles.

    I am probably abnormally low on potassium again, which may be why last night I was feeling this even when I was lying down away from the laptop.

    It's that there is something that becomes so powerful through using my laptop, that I start twitching in my body (not visible but muscle twitching under skin) and also cannot think well anymore or remember things and after awhile it affects moods too, because I am not myself and tryign to do things but can't because of this going on.

    It's something only military or gang people (which could mean anything, including corporate gang basically) could do through using military-type technology off of the black market.

    And it's not my imagination, because it is directly related to the computer or felt there.

    I never once had a problem with the laptop that the CIA/DOD guy gave me.

    I also never had a problem with any laptop while with my ex-fiance.

    But all of the problems started up again when we separated, which makes me feel like my son and I are not protected unless I am with him--or that these problems do not abate unless I am with him. At the same time, I had other questions about some things--like who was trying to set me up to go to federal jail in the courthouse that one day, because he was the only one who knew where I was going and wanted to specifically know exactly where I would be, on that day in particular, and at one time. There are a few questions like this that I have been trying to ask him but he hasn't answered yet.

  3. But when I've been with him, oh no problems whatsoever. If I'm not, someone or some group goes right at me with this technology stuff, and not just that, but psychologists and other state workers go back on treating me like a normal human being anymore and call me nuts.

    So I am "rewarded" if I am with my ex, and punished if I am not.

    My SON is the one who suffers the most, because he has been on the receiving end of all of this.

    I try to make it on my own, and no one allows this. They push me down and refuse to let me do anything and just stall to take my son from me.

    No one here really cares about me. If they do, they are either very poor and can't help in practical ways. As for the rest, no one has offered to assist in any way which would allow me to get normal things done, even on my OWN without any kind of financial assistance.

    People want to use me. They either wanted to suggest I go to Vegas or be an escort, or have photos taken of me nude, or use me for some other interests or push me to be exploited by someone or some group.

    It's been to trash me and keep me down and try to put me on a track that will negativity affect my future. I have seen very little real help here, and I am not complaining, but the problem is, they block me from even helping myself. I have been blocked and delayed on almost every basic human service and need in this town. Deliberately.

    So then when someone is throwing in the technology stuff, I'm not surprised because there are a lot of sadists in the town or out of area who pull strings and make people dance for them.

    It's not simple overheating. It's been using my laptop as a conduit for something else, and several times, I have wondered abuot satellites because this Iranian guy from NIH was certaintly convinced and he was asked to work in satellite intel and technology. To me it seems more incredible, that theory, but how should I know? When my laptop is off and I'm having serious problems in the house in general, it seems like something else. I could then leave the house and everything is fine.

    I don't have "fears" over laptops or being in a house. SO it's not like I start imagining this and react.

    Everyone on the East Coast, in higher positions, knows exactly what's going on. I believe the DOD and possibly CIA or FBI knows as well but they do nothing about it. I wouldn't have gained attention from them if they didn't believe I was sane and telling the truth.

    So basically, my son and I just suffer and this is allowed to happen in this country.

    There is no "greater position" that someone has lined up for me. That's a bunch of BS. I simply have some groups who want to do the worst possible things to me and my son and they are getting away with it.

    My son wants to be with his mother.

  4. I went to bed, by the way, and had serious benign fasciculations. After sleeping, I got up and was fine. No problems. But then, only a half hour into being on the computer, the benign fasciculations again. Right now, there is not even a static-y feeling or any kind of additional buzz or hum to the computer at all.

    I normally, do NOT have these kinds of problems. It's not normal, it's real, and it's not in my mind.
