Monday, March 8, 2010

Stalling By Wenatchee On Even Disability

These people are stalling on even allowing me to have any money at all. They don't even want me to have money from the general assistance.

I asked to have the basic form filled out for my migraine problems and all I've had is problems. First, Dr. Dickson doing this ridiculous thing of saying I have migraines but they are of "zero" severity. Sure. That makes a LOT of sense.

Then, I ask this other doctor who has been involved in all of my care and who knows what my medical history is, to fill out the form and no, he can't do this. He knows very well that a letter will not suffice and that I need this form filled out, and yet he refused unless I had another neurological evaluation with HIM. TWO? I know this is just an excuse, in my opinion, to stall longer.

The state would have turned down his letter, because they need this stupid form, and instead he says he would have to set up an appointment with me, which I haven't heard yet, but I would put money on it that it's supposedly not available for way too long, preventing me from having any money at all, to try to even help myself or my case prior to these termination trials.

These people are intentionally preventing me from having ANY money at all.

They don't want me to have ANYTHING and have blocked me not only from housing forever, but work, and then fucking stall on even giving me what I need for this other cash.

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