Monday, March 8, 2010

The Government Psychiatrist & The Army

This guy is straight up government. In my opinion. He shows up after my ex leaves and he's been in military forever and why in the world would he just decide to move over here?

With all the problems I've had, and all this attention, maybe someone thought it was worth it. Because maybe someone needed to get what they wanted if I didn't marry Alvaro.

People were trying to set me up for long years in jail. People supposedly knew about the situation with my son on the East Coast and did nothing, there, or over here. I had tons of military and other government persons visit me. So my opinion is, especially if Michelle Erickson is so excited about this man, it is probably not good. Anything that woman likes, is probably not good. She has been one of the biggest liars in my case.

I asked him some questions and I won't say too much, for his own privacy. But it is important to know if someone believes in psychic things or not and he doesn't. He said it's no different than religious culture, but he's more scientific. Which, who knows if it's the truth, if he's coming from the Army.

It seems to me that I've passed been around from one Army man to another.

I want my son back and I do not want a diagnosis of something I don't have and it's entirely inappropriate to have me even see this guy when I haven't been allowed an independent psychological evaluation first.

I have people wanting me to think I'm setting up all these appointments on my own as well. They're not doing anything. They were supposed to set things up a long time ago and instead want ME to do it. Why? So they can say I was the one who set it up so I don't get an independent evaluation? Because they want to claim I was on my own and did it independently?

Tell me why the government workers and all of the others were bending over backwards for me when or if I was with Alvaro but dropped me into the dirt if I wasn't? I wasn't mentally ill if I was with him but if I WASN'T with him, I was instantly degraded again and proclaimed the very worst things. They became dogs with sharp teeth.


I have the U.S. government workers telling me I need a good lawyer, knowing I have been forced out of having one or even money to pay for one. They all know this and yet keep bringing up a lawyer, knowing I don't have access to one that will really fight for me and not go with the politics for their own interests.

I talked to this forensic psychiatrist who was telling me it would be pointless to get a PET scan when it would NOT be "pointless" and would further prove they are wrong. It would be yet one more form of objective evidence. The guy told me that it wasn't 100% yet and not perfect but he was just trying to discourage me from having it done. He said it would rule out 80% of any mental illness but wasn't perfect. The thing is, if it even rules out that much, that still clears me 80% of the way and from what I've read, it clears a hell of a lot more. It shows everything. There is nothing about the brain's chemical processing which can be hidden from a PET, and even if I got the hard scans done now and the interpretation wasn't perfect, down the road, history would show, when other people look at the record, that there was nothing wrong with me. It would be something people could go back to, even down the road, and be able to say, "Our methods of analysis have improved, and there was zero evidence of mental illness as THEY have claimed, in this woman."

First of all, it would make the chances of actual mental illness much more remote and unlikely. Secondly, it could be used, in the future, to prove certain things, when interpretations and studies are more improved. It would be a lifelong form of evidence.

Maybe, with all the shit that's been happening with the laptop and things I've written about, maybe someone just doesn't want any form of evidence that would confirm THIS to show up on PET.

What was/has happened to me has significantly affected my blood, which has been sent out to lab people and doctors from Virginia mainly. It has also affected my blood chemistry and balance: glucose, alkaline phosphate, iron (supposedly anemia which cleared up miraculously within days), and then potassium all the time, which is really rare and abnormal. So all of those things, would show up on PET scan as well because it shows the process of metabolism and any kind of problem at all.

So maybe some people don't want any evidence of that.

When the guy told me I didn't need a PET scan and discouraged me, but said I needed a good lawyer and psychiatrist, I asked him if he did work for the government. He said he worked for both sides. SO I said, are you paid to work for the U.S. government and he said yes but only after I dragged it out of hiim and he said he worked with Prosecuting attorneys and others. So then I hung up with him and looked at the organization I'd just called and it was fully government. No big deal. But if it was no big deal, then why was he not wanting to admit doing this kind of thing?

People were going to allow me to be cleared if I stayed with Alvaro. But if not, forget it. So they have just pushed through to try to keep me down and discredit me. Which means no one ever really cared about me or my son. They cared about Alvaro and that was it. If I am only respected because I am with this man, or a man in general, or him in particular, I wonder why. Isn't it just a little bit questionable? Either I get all kinds of clearance and good care and honest evaluations, or I get screwed? Forced out of even the most basic rights, and my son to suffer. These people have been two faced--showing me favor when I am with someone and showing cruelty when I am not. Two faced. Interested, it seems clear, in their own interests and how something might benefit them and what kind of respect they are willing to give me should I have someone in particular in my life. Shunning me and harassing me and being absolutely criminal and cruel to me and my son if I am not.

Then I talk to a doctor here locally who tries to say maybe my migraines are not as bad because I'm going into menopause. I'm not, and if I should, early, it would be a first in the family. Not one single woman goes through this, in my family, before age 50 and my levels were all normal in D.C. supposedly.

What I know, is that I didn't have a period when I was with certain people and eating their food and then when I was buying my own stuff, my period came back and people then wanted to claim there was something wrong with me mentally. Whenever I've been having my period normally, people have been all over me, attacking me and claiming I am nuts. Which seems strange to ME. Like I've changed when nothing has changed with me and people have just decided to make different claim.

With a man? not nuts.
Without a man? nuts.
With a period? nuts.
Without a period? not nuts.

And now I have people who believe it's all over for me and my son, which must be the truth if that's what this many people believe. So other people must think or feel this psychiatrist will not clear me. I found out this man is not just a psychiatrist, he is the MEDICAL DIRECTOR for that "sanctuary" place. How convenient.

To be fair, the man sounds completely normal, if you're coming from a normal standpoint or don't have political problems of any kind. He sounds like someone who is intelligent and probably does a good job with the average person. That's my opinion from talking to him. He's certaintly smart enough to handle most average people. But people with political problems? I don't know about that. Just the fact he moved right in and became medical director of a psych ward (oh, pardon...a "sanctuary") 2 months after my ex left, and he's military background, is enough to make me wonder. And it's not just that--I don't know if he has other affiliations or connections which may make it difficult for him to do anything but go with what some group wants.

I'm having computer overheating or whatever problems again, after not having any problems for a few days at all. Someone doesn't like what I'm writing,and someone will continue to get away with harming me and my son.

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