Sunday, March 21, 2010

computer issues and my son

computer problems off and on all night.

My son never had a chance with these people.

These are not the kind of people that care. They push papers, swing, do drugs while accusing other parents of doing drugs, and go to church as they lie on the job and take favors and bribes, and they are not thinking about kids.

They just want a job so they can get by in this town because there's very little to offer to begin with. So they stay here, to be with their comfortable and protective circle of friends and that's it.

They are not going to care about doing what's right, maybe because they were spoiled too young, and molded too young, into being exactly what they wish I was--a non-thinking party person who is able to push paper during the day.

All of them look and sound like public school frat people who never outgrew the frat. And I have always hated frats. The idea even. A cliquish club that requires hazing and conformity. But then, mixed in, are a few judgemental religious types who are sort of conservative but then not. And a few city people who just look like death warmed over and some who have frightening favorites for their favorite pages, and then a few computer nerds and even some military. Sort of country hicks meet frat people meet mean city slickers.

And anyone, in any of these categories...on their hicks can be great people, I know. So are nerds, and military and's...I don't know how to describe it...just the vibe I get and sort of the whole package combination. There is a lot in a photo. It's the whole face of course, the whole expression, but there is really something about the eyes and that whole expresison and..I don't know. I want to ask the Russian psychics if they agree, and the U.S. psychics too, do you think you can tell a lot from a photo? Impressions?

I feel like what I'm not seeing from these photos, is a depth and a softness. I don't know how to describe it. A sensitivity is missing.

I know I sound superior or high horse right now, but I'm not trying to be mean and I'm also not singling anyone out either. It's just what I've looked up tonight and it explains a lot more to me.

It wasn't all bad. I saw some things which was pleasant and surprising as well. I saw some humanity in there. It's just that, it's not "aura" because there is no real "presence" but it's just hard to explain and the true nature, when you get close enough or look at someone, is sometimes hard to conceal.

I look at some photos of even tough or worldly people and I might see an extreme intelligence (easier to find in person) or this depth that's very...i don't know...or a vulnerable and soft side. And everyone has flashes of this.

Sometimes I really relate to the poor, and other times middle class and then other times the very rich if they have ever been lonely or not known who to trust or others have been jealous.

I guess that's why I tend to offend everyone. ? and then sometimes am able to please everyone too? I see the positive in many class structures or those within and the problems and want to help, but I also get upset by things I see.
Images that have come to mind lately. I didn't write it down but a week ago the phrase "vladie laddie" came to mind, regading putin. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. Then, I saw some black cloaked puppet that looked like a figure of a Queen for a minute but this was after reading about some English puppet show. Then, I had "jana" come to mind tonight and I believe it's about a nurse who used to be my roommate, and then I've thought about this tall goodlooking guy I saw at Safeway a couple days ago, whose eyes I felt on my back. I turned, and he was looking. I felt the eyes. i guess i'll leave it at that. I noticed feeling compelled to turn and look at least 3-4 times...i noticed this with a few others too. A few other men mainly. I've had this happen with women, but there seem to be more male remote viewers or psychics almost, than women sometimes. I mean, i think the gift must be different for different people. Men don't talk about it as much but I sort of wonder if it's sometimes even more profound at times, with men and yet they feel they can't share without sounding like a nut. You always see women with the cards and the ball and certain things, or having a certain style, but men are probably just as intuitive. Well, they're daft and dolt usually, in picking up non-verbal signals and expressions...but I think if they have it, the gift in some way, they know it and it must be pronounced.

I would love to talk to someone, a man, who is truly like this. I think it would be fascinating to hear what kinds of things come to mind and when things have been true..etc.

I'd still like to know who has that necklace too.. I was thinking, it might even be a girl's trinket, not a woman's, but I don't know.
i'm getting a lot of ads that are disturbing again. things were fine for awhile and then it just got worse. like, the recommended videos are "seven nation army" and "die laughing" and death stuff.

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