Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hanging a Shingle for Psychic Work

I decided to "hang a shingle" for psychic work. Typically, I feel strongly that people shouldn't charge for this kind of thing.

If it's a gimmick and entertainment, like a fortune tellers tent, I say "Go ahead!" because it's something fun and not to take seriously.

But if there really is a sometime-gift, I have felt it's for just giving that message and letting people know someone cares. So I refused to do it. However, then I was thinking, I am open to being paid for research on this, so what's the difference?

I guess I feel, if it comes up spontaneously, it should be shared and not charged, like, if it just comes to someone, that person should't get payment before relaying what they got. But I decided, if people are coming to me, and asking me about things, I could probably at least be paid a small amount for the time. I figured it's a way to encourage me to practice more and gives others a legitimate way to come to me and either test me or whatever. Usually, people won't just approach me out of the blue and ask questions about this but if I'm doing it in a way that invites people in, they would be more comfortable.

I still feel doing it for police work or using it for good should not be a form of making great profits. But I think I can justify small amounts just for time, and to also encourage others to feel welcome.

I would always stress that common sense is the best approach to making decisions in life. I don't feel comfortable trying to direct others into a particular path because I feel that path will be self-evident to the one who is going to walk it. I don't feel comfortable with questions like, "Is my husband cheating on me?" because making any error in that regard is unfair and unethical.

But, for the exchange, and to also be able to apply any monies torwards my son in general, I'm okay with it.

It would be fun to see if I come across others who are also semi-psychic and see what our exchanges are like and how we connect.

I feel like I could give advice or counsel as to basic goals in life and personality type, but I wouldn't mix normal common sense and intuition with claiming "this is what you need to do" and making predictions. I just think it would depend upon what I get with any individual.

I'm not doing tarot or crystal balls but I would like to have people bring an item or object of some kind of importance, however small, or photos, to see what I get from that.

We'll see. If something comes of it, great and if not, great.

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