Sunday, March 21, 2010

Music: Basia & My Voice

I put Basia on. Time and Tide. I haven't heard her for awhile. I've listened to it several times and my voice is definitely affected since Bainbridge. I had a terrible cold for a month but I'm better now and the time that my voice was changed and affected was there. It's not the same since, at all.

I really want to look into this more. If I can, I would like to press criminal charges. I can point to a few things which should be investigated and I think it would be well worth it.

I have a right to protect and defend myself and my son. And those who were responsible for this should be punished for their actions.

Maybe someone thought that since I had started smoking, they could blame it on that. But that wasn't it and smoking a few cigs a day for 2 months doesn't do this kind of damage. I knew when the damage was, and I also had this very odd metallic taste in my mouth after taking that cigarette in Seattle.

Great lengths were gone to, there, to make me appear "psychotic" and it was for a good reason. I had people poisoning me and assaulting me and "crazy" diagnosis was the only way to cover that up.

I didn't talk about my voice or what was happening with that, because I was too afraid. I had people from Seattle FBI blocking me, BLOCKING me, from going to them with any complaint, and then I had the Marshall's service mocking me saying yes my son and I were in danger but there was nothing they could or would do about it.

So sure, when you have doctors lying to cover something up, and law enforcement telling you you're in grave danger and there's nothing they will do about it, one begins to wonder exactly, what the point of law enforcement is.

I had people torturing my son and playing mind games with him as well, giving him perm solution to ingest and likely threatening my aunt and uncle or daycare workers or some, that worse would happen if they said anything. My son shows up with knife marks and signs of technology issues like I've had, with computer or something else, and he's very smart but not able to articulate things because of what is still going on, and what's horrible, is that a lot of people know about it and don't care.

It's a sick, sick, place. But I'm the one they want to make out to be mentally ill. Of course.

I talked to this counselor, Marie Wilke, and she said the department told her I was an excellent parent with EXCELLENT parenting skills but they were concerned about my "stability".

I told her, "I AM an excellent parent, and that's what this should be about--My parenting. Not my political or social issues with people I've threatened to sue and their retaliation."

She was saying there must be something to correct and I said, yes, if anything, having a good lawyer would do that. But everytime I say this, and everyone knows this, it's like, yes we know, but you don't have one and we know you've been blocked from getting one, so if you do not ADMIT you're nuts, and make us happy, we can't help you.

You don't take someone's kid away to punish them for free speech and you don't harm kids and mothers to begin with.

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