Sunday, March 21, 2010

Housemates From Hell II

The housemates from Hell again.

Came into my apartment without knocking, again.

Came into my apartment, cursing nonetheless. Their baby doesn't look any better either. I would say, I haven't heard as much crying but they've been gone part of the time anyway.

They have stolen from me and gone through my things on a number of occasions. The guy, Jake, has serious anger management problems, and all he ever says is "fuckin' reTARD". Over and over, it's his main vocabulary--"fuckin' reTARD." His kids first words are going to be "Fuckin' reTARD."

I do not believe they should have their child. Even the landlord asked me what I thought about that in the beginning and I said what I thought, but this landlord basically goes along with these other tenants.

I've had people repeatedly coming into my apartment without notice, when there is no laundry scheduled, and the difference is that my apartment is off-limits while the main space upstairs I have access to. I do NOT have access to their bedroom and I have never gone in. But they go into my apartment all the time. They are the same people who, BOTH of them, came into my apartment, to my door and said I had to wash dishes left in the sink upstairs. I went upstairs and looked and those dishes were not mine. They basically decide that whenever they want to harass me, they will.

I've had my paystub stolen, all my bags gone through, my computer tampered with, and my clothing taken and then returned.

I've also had a couple of very questionable situations where I have awakened very groggy, not really myself and I could tell something wasn't right. I have wondered if I were sexually assaulted once, because of something, and it was very odd. Then, I had a piece of my hair snipped. When the problems started up again with overheating or whatever was going on, she said to me "How does it FEEL???" and called me a bitch.

She goes next door and asks some neighbors for money, apparently, and the cops were looking for her and I basically covered for her because I felt sorry for her. I don't feel sorry for them anymore. They go out of their way to harass me, even if I'm trying to disappear and stay out of their way to begin with. It's petty and childish and not worth my breath, but then they go on about how I'm being evicted and don't have my child.

It is a bizarre reversal of fortune, that people like this would HAVE their kid and I do not. It comes down to knowing people in town and doing favors for people and obviously, has nothing to do, at all, with the ability to be a good parent.

I made a post about how sorry I felt for their baby, but I didn't publish it. I put it in draft form and just saved it. But I feel sorry for them.

This time he came down into my apartment, illegally, and I heard him cursing and I looked and he'd taken the pot I was making spagetti and meatballs with. He dumped everything in the sink. So they claimed it was their pan. How the hell should I know? They had their pan, not in THEIR cupboard but some totally different drawer where the communal pans are. I had no way of knowing.

So I actually said something when I went upstairs to get a phone number, and just said, "I didn't know it was your pan" to try to let them know I hadn't intentionally taken their pan. That just gave them an excuse to go off about things. I have borrowed eggs from them in the past and always returned them when I've gone shopping and replaced them, that's it. When I was first here I said I would replace whatever I took to eat until I had the food money coming in and I was honest about that, thinking my unemployment money was going to be coming in, as it should have. But it's taking longer than it would have because I have others preventing me from getting normal things on a timely basis.

I guess I'll put this into draft form. I feel more sorry for them than vindictive or concerned. There are people out there who are a whole lot worse. I do think she's doing a better job, or they are, with their kid. I think they're just young and have their own issues, and they have a lot more leeway with me, and sympathy, than some of these others.

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