Friday, March 5, 2010

The "Conductor" Can't Take Case

I got a call from this case, saying they couldn't take the case for my employment matter. I wasn't surprised, at all, because he called me right after my visit with my son where my son was driving a train and the conductor of the train and this is right after trying to contact Harvard about Amy Bishop. So I pulled up the guy's bio and he's from Harvard and worked on trains and railways and WAS an actual train conductor, just as my son was pretending to be that same day. After I read this, I thought, "Yeah sure, someone told him to call because they knew I'd look him up." So I did and thought it was an interesting coincidence and then that was it. I almost wrote about it right away and decided to wait and see if they called back and what they'd come up with. Nothing, until just after I published my last post, about people making something religious out of this case with my son.

I have NOT been one to jump to this conclusion either. I laid that down and forgot about it and wasn't even bothered by it or things from the past. But now it's like one thing after the other with people trying to put it in my face, literally. It's like, people WANT me to know now. I don't know why, because I know it's not all the people who are Catholic and many are supportive and wrote statements for me. But maybe someone higher up or some lawyers, still want to rub that in.

Anyway, how would this firm get the idea to have the "train conductor" call after my son was pretending to be a train conductor unless someone told them about this? they are on the East Coast, in D.C., just a few blocks away from my old coworkers.

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