Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cowell: professional job

They published that she was stabbed and strangled. I think I wrote that I had this impression.

I think it was professional and no one will ever be found. I actually would go so far as to say maybe even intelligence. Professional. They knew ballistics could be traced so this is why the other method used. You have to be experienced to do that, I think.

It was done because something was going on. Wasn't a crime of passion or for rape or anything. Something political or gang related and maybe involving her parents or getting back.

I think it was a revenge for maybe something terrible that happened to someone else, or possibly because she was going to talk about something no one wanted her to talk about.

I don't think anyone will ever be caught. Ever. It's just a done deal. I don't think there will be any leads, good ones, because no one in this town WANTS to talk about things that happen here, and no one is going to bring up the dirt. Even if they would want to find who did it, they don't care enough to talk about anything surrounding it. So they'll all keep their mouths shut.

The local police are not even following the tips and leads and questions they have already.

They say they care, but they don't care enough to really get to the bottom of things and clean up this town (and state) in a real way.

When they do, it might be a better place for everyone. Instead, the corruption continues. As long as people are getting away with bullying others, bribing, and lying and stalling and blocking basic access to justice, and as long as they are going around with non lethal weapons and using other things to harm people, this town isn't going to have any assurances of peace.

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