Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nurse Threatens Me @ Wenatchee Valley Clinic

Everything was fine until I brought up twitching in my legs from the knee down. I mentioned it was probably due to abnormally low potassium and I was having heart arhythmia. She threatened me in response.

Backing up, I went in for migraine. That was the main thing I went in for. They didn't care, because for the first time, they didn't even ask when my last period was, which has always been done. They also didn't turn out the lights.

So I checked in with a bp of 103/80. That's after walking a couple of miles and getting my bp up. I sat up until the doctor saw me and when she checked my bp again the monitor began to beep.

It beeped like a warning and I asked what it was. She said 80/50. She said she'd have to check with the doctor before giving me Vicodin or ergotamine for the migraine. She said I must have been lying down a long time. I said no, I'd only been lying down for about 5 minutes.

So then she comes back to give me ergotamine but refuses to give me Vicodin for the pain. I said I'd wait until the doctor came back. Then when he okayed it, I said I wanted to see the medication for myself and I read the labels before it was given to me. I said, of the ergotamine, "This is only 1 mg.?" She said, "We're going to give you .5, just half of it." I can't remember what it was that worked in Canada, but it sounded so low. But I said okay and the doctor came in and said the last time I was given something it was Vicodin but liquid form and I said yes, but the nurse took a packet that was already 1/2 of what usually works, and then poured out half of THAT into a different receptacle. And lied about it all. That was Ally.

So this was Emily, who was pregnant, and she was fine. She was professional at least AND, I realized for the first time, that some of the other nurses have been using huge needles on me bc I could barely feel this one at all. So I thanked her and asked her if she used a smaller needle or something or maybe she brought that up and said she had selected a fine needle. So I was thankful.

So everything is fine, it seems, and then just downhill fast. Either they have two faces or everyone is so bored there, they have nothing better to do than peek at their computers to see what I'm blogging about while I'm in the clinic. So either they just didn't want to do their job or they didn't like my post about Cowell.

I was polite! Nothing wrong, and I am thinking everything is going well, or decently, but then I brought up the twitching in my legs, the benign fasciculations and I told her I was having them from the knee down. In my calves and feet especially. My laptop was in the corner, shut down, and my bag away from me, but my legs were twitching a lot. I was also concerned about my heart.

So after the migraine treatment, I asked if they could check for this and she said no, and that she checked with the doctor and he said it wasn't "life threatening". I said they didn't know that. I said if I had abnormally lower potassium, that is reason for treatment all by itself, at ER because it causes muscle cramping and heart problems if not treated. So she said, "High potassium causes heart problems" and I said, "Maybe, but it's low potassium that causes this as well." I was polite throughout. I finally said, "I don't want to have to go to a different hospital to be checked for this."

So she looked pissed and then said to me, "You should, because you are not supposed to come here or be here." I looked at her, stunned. I said, "What are you talking about?" and she said, "Dr. Freed has sent you letters telling you you can't come here." I said, "It's illegal to refuse treatment to someone who has to go to ER for something like migraine or other problems." So she got this smirk on her face and I just said, "You have a wonderful smile."

I got the computer out and she hastily brought in papers and had me sign for release and then immediately had a SECURITY GUARD come in. I had not been offensive, or rude, and I was gathering my things and she sent him in just 1 minute after she left. Glenn.

So Glenn came in I don't know why he seemed so upset. He looked like he was barely restraining himself and his hands were shaking and he said, "You should go outside and get some Vitamin D." I said, "I probably need potassium, not Vitamin D." So he is following me, on my heels and sort of rude and flippant and said something about me, where I was and I said, "You probably should have stayed in the South" (he has a strong Southern accent.) How I meant it, was that anywhere might be better than here. But he got in my face and started getting close as I was walking and he said, "What did you say?" and I kept walking and he said, "What did you say???" and here we are, traversing the lobby and he's on my ass like he's ready to have a throw down. I am 5'4" and 120 lbs and he is 6'4" and 300 lbs. He was following me like we were in a bar and I was a man or something. So my head is high and I'm silent and just walking straight on and thankfully someone else started talking to him and distracted him in his steps, just as he blurted out, "You don't want to repeat what you said huh? You should have stayed in the South? Sounds like some kind of RACIST comment."

He said racist.

I want to bury my head and cry. I have to deal with people who think choosing someone from one state over the next for business is "immoral" and then someone who thinks a comment about the south is "racist". The guy was white. He's a white guy, no hair and blue eyes, and I'm white. Sure, that was really racist. Even if he'd been black it wasn't racist and the way I meant it was completely different from his interpretation. He was so weird about everything, I didn't want to explain myself, I just wanted to get away. What was HIS point about how I could use some Vitamin D anyway?

I went from thinking Dr. Graves and this nurse, Emily, were doing a decent job, to just feeling like these people are just over the top. I was there for legitimate reasons and I went there because as long as Dr. Freed is writing up the papers, it will be easier to just go there for migraine instead of where it's closer, to the Central Washington Hospital.

So my legs are still twitching and my heart is acting up and I'm going to have to go to another hospital today, again, because they refused treatment and full evaluation. All they had to do was a blood draw.

My bp was showing up 80/50, my heart is irregular, and my legs are twitching and cramping. I have had a couple of dizzy moments too. It was not reasonable to refuse this and they DO know that potassium is something that can cause major problems.

I might have a normal PCP if this town wasn't trying to keep me from getting even insurance for a PCP because they don't want to admit I have disablity from migraine. I am an entire month away from even seeing Dr. Freed for his evaluation, and he didn't have to set it out that far but I knew he would. And then, his secretary was saying Freed's evaluation might not be different from Dicksons. It should be, because Freed has made himself responsible for my care. So if he's trying to say I have migraines with "zero severity" there is something wrong. There is no such thing as "migraines" with zero severity. It's a contradiction of terms.

People think I make things difficult for myself, but what did I do wrong? I went in for a good reason, for treatment, and it wasn't ME who started things up. I believe some of these people are making it much more difficult for themselves and the reputations of others who have to work with them, than necessary.

Just do your job, do it well, and keep your politics to yourself.

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