Wednesday, March 10, 2010

CPS Still Refuses "Services"

I contacted Michelle Erickson last week, who said CPS's excuse for not providing the required "services" was that I had not signed up for health insurance. They had been trying to force me to sign up as a mentally disabled person which I disagree with, and they cannot force me to do this, and are required by statute to set up the appointments and pay for the "services" regardless of whether or not I have some personal insurance which will make it cheaper for them.

They don't have the option to just refuse services. They are required to do so, to demonstrate good faith.

To date, CPS has not scheduled ANY of the "services" Judge Hotchkiss ordered. My lawyer, who didn't do anything, at least told me they still had to set up these appointments whether I had insurance or not.

But they didn't set up the appointment for the head scan. I never got one single notice about them doing anything until my lawyer told me, AFTER I'd had it done in Wenatchee, that they claimed to have wanted it done in Harborville. They all took 3 months to tell me this.

Now, they claim I had to see a psychiatrist and yet they have not done anything about it.

Nothing. They haven't scheduled an appointment, and the psychiatrist who Michelle said they were sending me to, told me he hasn't received anything from them at all.

I think they want me to set these appointments up on my own so they can try to claim these people are MY choices and "picks" and that I don't get an independent person for my own defense. They want to claim that these are the ones I wanted.

So they've done nothing.

Absolutely nothing, and I have a right to an independent psychological evaluation and no one did a thing. My own lawyer only panicked when he thought my parents might be paying for one. Then he got nervous and said instead of my going to this other family psychologist who was truly independent, HE (and the state) wanted me to see some guy at the University of Washington who was just another contracted state paid worker.

It is not my responsibility to set up these appointments. These are not people I choose to go to, and I wouldn't pick them out myself either. It is the responsibility of the state to provide reasonable and timely services and when there is NO firm diagnosis of any mental illness at all, and just "possible theories" they cannot force me to go on disability when I never got a proper psychological exam, all objective tests are totally normal, and I haven't been allowed an independent evaluation.

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