Thursday, March 4, 2010

CPS Wants To Send Me To Military Psychiatrist

I just called to find out when this psychiatrist came into town and started to work locally and he came in last summer in July 2009. Which is 2 months after my ex left and went back to D.C. Am I going? Hell yes I'm going, because I want to see another verdict come down which I can point to as being part of a cover up and attempt to harm me and my son when people know what's going on. If he wants to clear me, oh that would be fantastic, but I suspect he'll be doing what he's told to do. Ummm, wait. Thinking a minute. If he does what some people would want him to do, he would have me go to a psychiatric ward to further discredit me and provide a great environment for more experimental bullshit. I notice this guy is from El Paso, which rings a bell somehow, but I don't know why.

I remember going to a doctor about my baby, when I was pregnant in D.C. Anyone remember what they did with regard to my care? They refused to believe I had any abnormal pain and just pushed it off to the side. Those women who were so rude, were Army, and because they didn't do their job I almost died and a baby that could have been saved died. I'm sure they just wanted that to happen. I have no doubt that some of the things which happened over there caused the deaths to begin with. I started having the same kind of t.v. interference that I sometimes get here, and started having twitching and a few times of the pain as well and this is when I was in Arlington, VA, across from the Pentagon. Same place where the military guys got into a helicopter and drove up to my apartment window. This is not all of the military. The problem is, there were SELECT individuals who had horrible motives who also happened to be in the military and used their positions to help other groups.

I'll go to this guy after I have my independent psychological evaluation done first. I'm not going to a psychiatric ward after all I've been through and I don't trust any of these people farther than I can throw them.

I think it's very convenient that he should show up in town, just 2 months after my ex left.

Here is the clip on his bio:

Psychiatrist Dr. Ivan Pawlowicz will offer psychiatric outpatient services for adults in both Chelan and in Wenatchee, at the LCCH specialty clinic. He is also the medical director of Sanctuary, the hospital’s addiction recovery unit.

Pawlowicz, who speaks both English and Spanish, is one of the only psychiatrists now available to the general public in NCW.

Dr. Pawlowicz took a roundabout road to psychiatry, working in several fields; he says that helps him relate to clients. “Because of my varied background and life experience,” he said, “I’m very comfortable with a wide variety of folks.”

Born in Chihuahua, Mexico, Pawlowicz was raised in El Paso. He graduated from West Point, United States Military Academy, in computer science before spending six and a half years in the army. After the military, he worked in manufacturing. He then earned an engineering masters degree before starting medical school. Pawlowicz planned to become a surgeon but realized how much he enjoyed psychiatry, especially patient interaction. Pawlowicz graduated with his medical degree from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in 2004.

To make an appointment with Dr. Pawlowicz in Chelan or Wenatchee, call 664-5300.


  1. If its any assistance to you, I have met this doctor and he truly seems genuine. Not stereotypical like others in his field. I currently have a family member seeing him and I am required to attend many of the appts as my family member doesn't drive. I like him, and I think you should give him a chance. He may help you in your battle to get your son, rather than harm your efforts. At this point of your fight, I think its worth a shot.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I do appreciate your comment. My concern is really not with him as a doctor per se. Actually, I honestly believe there are many fine doctors, in different fields, in this area even. If I were your average person/patient, just going to see someone, I should think ANY of the local doctors would be fine for a number of things.

    My problem, is that I am not average and my problems have been both sometimes religious (it seems) and definitely political. I have people lying about things they normally wouldn't lie about. I have people who HATE me. People who have seen trauma done to my son and cover it up. All supposedly "good people". I have also had individuals in the U.S. military and other departments interested in me, as well as having people in some other countries at least curious. I have had many people lie about me and put me in jail for things I didn't do, destroy evidence, defame me, pay people off (from what I hear, tons of money has gone into this), and actually poison me and my son and harm us. I've had someone try to set me up to go to federal prison for up to 10 years when I was doing nothing wrong (but they still tried, on the East Coast) and then I've had another group in a business office try to do some kind of escort sting (as if I would ever) in D.C.

    I have people who have lied about me and been really happy to harass me in the name of religion as well, and the idea that I am still some kind of offense to them or a threat to their beliefs or organization, even though I largely left these issues in the past myself.

    On top of that, there are some state and government workers who have gone into overtime who harass me when I even try to get OIG information or FOIA. Why is it, that any citizen of the U.S. is able to obtain these things, except me? and why does someone always jump into overdrive to make soemthing horrible in my life to distract me from getting records which would probably be shocking to me and might explain some of the bad motives and where at least SOME of it is coming from?

    So in general, I would really agree with you--that he sounds well rounded. I would put money on it, truly, I would bet money, he is a very good doctor.

    However, there are many other motives and agendas coming into play with my life and having my son. There are people who DO want me in a psych ward. There are others who DO want some kind of diagnosis of me to try to cement their ideas. There are some who DO want me to be heavily medicated or even a little bit, to try to claim I really have issues when all I have are natural issues stemming from abuse and trauma because of corruption and what has been done to my son.

  3. PART TWO:

    I think it would be outrageous if he said I needed a psych ward, but if I look at state law, I think all someone needs in this state, is a doctor's say-so and then someone can be involuntarily admitted. Against their will, but you have to have a doctor's order. Do I think this is necessary or likely? not really, at this point, because I'm not some mumbling danger to society and the human rights people in other nations at least would be totally dumbfounded and shocked and it wouldn't look good. Do I think he'd try to prescribe something? Probably. He would do whatever he thinks is going to benefit his own position with others in the area and out of the area too.

    He came into town 2 months after my ex left, which I don't really think was coincidental but who knows, maybe it was. I went from being "normal" when I was with my ex to suddenly "psychotic" and knife weilding and I was even thrown in jail and threatened. I think it's strange he's another military person.

    On one hand, it would be good, because the good military people would know there is nothing wrong with me, but the others who have done harm might just want a cover and it might not even be about military but could be about something political or religious, which might motivate him to unfairly "evaluate" me.

    I'm not saying there is no chance he could be fair. I do think there is a chance. But from what I've already seen, the odds are not great. When Michelle Erickson sounds really excited about my going to him, there is cause for concern.

    Thank you for your recommendation though. Like I said, most of the these doctors I wouldn't badmouth to everyday people or think they are not good. It's that I have a very unique set of problems and trying to find a doctor with a very independent and genuine moral compass.

    I don't really need the bigger or better professional. I need the person who believes in the same God I believe in and who tries to act accordingly, with principles.

  4. Oh! so... :)

    I've asked what his religious affiliation is to try to eliminate any possible conflict or problem there, and who his commanding officers were in the military and what he did, and if he has any letters of recommendation.

    Yet, I could still get answers to all these things and not know what his heart and morals are like.

    He could be of any religion with any background and be a great person with integrity, but I'm trying to eliminate any possible motives that might get in the way.

  5. Oh gosh. I'm clarifying again. I thought about one of my comments "I just care that we believe in the same God." In context, what I meant is that we're on the same page...about the general attributes of God and what is desired from others who believe. Not to exclude atheists, either, because I mean the same thing with them, that it is more about having similiar principles. So this is what I meant but I didn't mean for it to sound like something else.

  6. Well, I think you should give him a chance before you assume he is in on the "plot" with the State. He may be the one person who helps you, so I hope you use an open mind when, if, you meet with him. He might just help with your cause. Try to trust.

  7. Dear Anonymous,

    I appreciate your comments and thank you for caring enough to take the time to write.

    I do try to trust, but that's what's gotten me into trouble all along--I have always been far too trusting.

    Take my last lawyer. I tried "trusting" him for over 4 months as he did nothing he promised to do for my case and even WORSE, the OTHER lawyers (who were probably worse, I don't know) banned me from even using the phone or fax when that was part of the whole deal with my signing up with them and then they tell me to my face they're not going to help me.

    Oh yeah, and then I find out my lawyer's wife's best girlfriend, is one of the CPS social workers.



    Here's something for everyone to try:

    Say "trust" over and over as fast as you can for at least one minute. What is the sound that arises from this?

    The word that comes up, out of "trust" is "STRESS".

    Give it a try. I might be the first person ever to realize this.

    I'm not nuts. I just notice things other people don't.

    As for you, thank you for sending a normal comment. I hope everything continues to go well for you and your relative. Since you're anonymous, could I ask what she or he is diagnosed with and who did the diagnosis and what this Dr. recommended?

    Thank you,


  8. He sounds normal and professional. His past experience was with the Army.

    It is the CIA and the Army that are involved in human experiments. I'm not saying HE is, but this is a fact, and it is only this branch of military that gets involved with sort of thing. They also are the branch involved with remote viewing and psi stuff.

  9. My family member suffers from severe depression and possibly bipolar disorder, which this person was treating by drug use (self medication). Its been a long road, but I see where this doctor is helping my family member. That is why I ask that you give him a chance and trust in him.

  10. Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you for sharing this. I appreciate your being open and I'm glad this doctor is working out for your family and really helping the situation.

    My situation is whether this doctor is competent and independent, and feels powerful enough, all on his own, to be able to find and state the truth: that I do not have any of these mental illnesses and all I suffer from is stress.

    I do not have a chemical imbalance, any kind of delusion or psychosis, and I don't have a personality disorder either.

    I have had serious political problems and that is it.

    As far as I know, from what I just saw on the news, "kidnapping" is a federal offense and if anyone was trying to accuse me of kidnapping my son by taking him to Canada, it is dawning on me that it might be the FBI that slandered me to Canadian officials, along with other state people.

    If so, there are some VERY strong incentives to try to find me mentally ill so I am not able to sue the shit out of them for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and retaliation for trying to make claims abuot their own employees and some state workers in Wenatchee (and doctors).

    There are too many people who want to find me mentally ill, to try to discredit me and justify what happened.

    Does the U.S. care? No. If they were employing me for remote viewing, maybe they would because they would care about the condition of my mind and things that alter it. I've already met DOD people and CIA. If they care, I would doubt it, after seeing what has continued to happen with me and my son.

    I very strongly DOUBT, with all of my heart, that this psychiatrist will be able to "clear me". I think it would take a very unique and special person to do it because too many things ride on declaring me mentally ill.
