Thursday, March 4, 2010

Michelle Erickson

After all this time of not one lawyer trying to get an independent psychological evaluation done for me, and then CPS refusing to offer any services in a timely manner at all, Michelle tells me they scheduled a psychiatric evaluation--local of course.

This is B.S. There is not one single psychiatrist that isn't politically tied into this mess. There is not ONE.

I might have had a chance in D.C., which is why Erickson refused to return my calls for over 3 months when I was trying to get a psych eval there, and THAT was after I was refused a fair trial at fact finding.

The only person testifying against me at that hearing, for contested sheltercare, which decided everything, was:

Michelle Erickson.

After that, I have no idea who testified at Fact Finding, because I was hung up on and not told ahead of time that I was not going to have representation abd had to defend myself.

Erickson likes to say over and over that this case is "air tight" when it's not and they know it and that's why they all have had to bend over backwards lying and blocking objective evidence from getting into the record.

She said I could sue her, thinking there is no chance. And yet when I need to find a motive for the outrageous lying done in this case, I need look no further than how she and her friend Marie Scanlon prevented me from even visiting my son in a timely manner after so many polite requests, and then how she would want to back herself up, because SHE is the ONLY person who took the stand against me for contested sheltercare. She has been lying in her ISSP notes ever since, wanting to underline what she said then, claiming I have mental issues.

This is the same woman who happily THREATENED me over the phone, saying she could medicate me. When this bitch, with all of her lying, has demonstrated by lying, that she has something to lie about.

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