Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dead Bird Wings On Sidewalk (photo)

I was on my way to walk to the clinic for anxiety due to, primarily, what this law firm has done, and my lawyer, to my case and my son. What they did NOT do, all that time, and then the blocking of me, has done the most damage and has severely prejudiced my case.

I guess that might include the Judge as well, for not granting continuance for migraine. Every single time. I have noticed that if I even once say anything about Judge Hotchkiss, all the motorcycle gang guys come out en force and start buzzing by me scowling. I've been wondering if they are the Hotchkiss posse.

Secondly, more minor, was what the landlord did or has done with excusing unnecessary intrusions in what should be my private living area--my apartment. But this was only the last stray, not the bale of hay. Still, it was malicious to evict me at the moment he did, after what has been done to ME, and then to allow further harassment. Really, I blame the biggest issue on what affects my SON.

So I was walking to the clinic and everyone knew where I was going because it's one way road to the clinic once you make this one turn. Someone had taken a dead bird and cut out the middle, the body, and just left wings spread out there, black and grey and white wings. I don't know what it was supposed to mean, and mainly seemed to be a prank, but what bothered me more than anything were the people who drove by acting like they knew what was there and thinking it was hilarious. Most of them, were all conservative looking white people in SUVs.

388 ZGT
538 UNV
543 UKV
541 WGP

These bird wings were made to look like the wings that were on the profile of the woman I talked to now and then.

A few people who were particularly mocking when I came out of my house to start with, were a blond woman in SUV with plates MULLY-2,638 XID, 727 ZDR, 323 ZRY, 004 WST, 473 UGL (2 or 7), 501 WIG.

I have more plate numbers from yesterday, which was a very harassing day.

I also noticed several people carrying around bags or papers with the words "Special" on it, like today is your "special day" and "specials" and the like and I had been on my computer today and made one ad about services for a "special family" and then just got tons of people throwing this my way today. Then I also noticed, in the waiting room, this young man with a book and he made the cover face me and it said "Drive" and last night I'd been IMing with this woman who wanted things confidential but had no idea that nothing has been private with any of communications because somehow I have people on my laptop or hacking, and I have people bugging my phones and listening in and that is no joke at all. She had brought up a movie "Drive Angry".

The other thing was that I got a lot of things right again, with her, but won't say what bc I promised not to, but I really did, in a genuine way. I shocked myself even. So I am feeling a little bit more confident about having a gift but it's really not so big as that of some I see. I watched some episodes of Lisa Williams and I get things in a similiar way, but not to that amount of detail and not knowing it's spirits of the dead or anything.

Yesterday too I laughed after inviting a guy to eat with me at Arby's. He was glum and then he sounded schitzo but it was so funny I couldn't help it and started laughing out loud and then he was laughing and hamming it up. He called himself micky mo. But with him, I sensed someone he'd known had committed suicide. He said he'd known a lot of people who had, about 5 or more, but sometimes he was joking so I didn't know for sure. But it was the first thing that popped to mind.

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