Saturday, March 27, 2010

Trespass In My Apartment

I walked out of my room, into my apartment to find 3 men standing outside of my door. I had no make up and was not prepared to see anyone. I had underwear that I was washing by hand in the sink, in the bathroom.

The landlord decided he was going to show this place while I was here, with no notice to me at all. Not even a word, or a knock.

I asked him politely to do this another time and that he hadn't given me any notice. He waved me away.

He continued to show the man and his son the whole place, the bathroom with my underwear in the sink soaking, and everything.

I called Wenatchee police and Officer Carlson's voice had a smirk in it and he said it wasn't "criminal" it was "civil". I said, no, it was illegal to just come into an apartment and bring people into it, without any notice.

It was a comlete violation of my privacy. I got on the phone and tried to call 411 for Washington State Police and I burst into tears while talking to the 411 service operator and forgot she wasn't even a police officer or anyone I should talk to about this. I was so distressed that I forgot she wasn't with a law agency. I just sobbed over the phone to her and then remembered oh yeah, I needed the number for the other police. So I called the state and told them what had happened.

I can't prove other trespassing, but I was able to go outside and get the plate number of the man and his son as they were driving away. He drove a white truck, license plate: B83113C. It wasn't their fault, but they are witnesses to the fact he was showing it and I didn't want them there without notice.

So then I looked up the law and found what had happened was a violation of RCW 59.18.150 which says a tenant can expect 1 day notice before entry.

A different couple of officers came out after I called state police and I talked to Jim West and he said I would need to look at the contract because he was being told there was some provision in it. I said I would, on Monday, when I could talk to someone about it. He said do you really want to do anything? and said I needed to focus on getting a place. He said maybe I don't want to add to things. I said, I thought I was too nice and didn't do enough. I threaten to do things and don't follow through and people have just gotten worse and taken advantage of me more. It hasn't done any good to just let things go. And I've let a lot of things go.

This landlord has done a lot of things to humiliate me. He's let various people into my room and taken photos and someone has come in and messed things up on more than one occasion. And that's not to mention being harassed by the other housemates and having my important things stolen from this room.

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