Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dream About Abuse & Biological Father & Ex

I just woke up from a really weird dream. I dreamed that I had been drugged or something by the biological father of my son. There wasn't a face or anything but the last thing I remember was that someone tried to say they were the Dad and came back from Mexico, but I was afraid because they'd been involved with something and I had been drugged or something. But it was very weird. It's the only dream I think I've ever had about anything like this.

Then I woke up and was thinking about how my friend Nacho (literally) got killed and was shot right after he visited my house and people had wondered if HE was the father and they killed him. He was the only man who visited me a couple of times, after my baby was born, and some people thought he was the Dad but he wasn't, he was only an acquaintance/friend.

I have no idea why I had this dream.

Then I was remembering how I had called the FBI and asked if he was dead, before I knew and they wanted to know how I knew and I just said "I have a feeling". I called the FBI because local police wouldn't say anything or didn't know and then I said it wasn't normal that some woman had his cell phone. So I called and said I thought maybe something had happened to him (so it was more intuition than anything) and they said yes, they had just found out.
I went back to bed and then I had the weirdest second dream.

In it, I called up my ex and there was no answer and no answr and then there was a message left to his daughter, and he broke down into tears and I got worried and panicked and felt sorry for his daughter. So I was trying to call him about his daughter and then I was suddenly in some middle eastern or other country and these women were wearing long shawls on their heads and were either indian or some kind of middle eastern and a woman or two was carrying someone who was dead, through the streets in a procession in a large blanket that concealed the person. I asked who died and was walking down these sort of clay earth style stairs that were beige or tan and she said her uncle. Or someone's uncle but it didn't seem like a big deal. Then there was some other part but I can't remember what it was.

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