Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ex Tried To Set Me Up To Go To Prison

I don't think it will help to conceal the truth. If anything, my Ex has had a lot of sympathy when I don't believe he should have any at all, after what he tried to pull. And there were other groups behind it and I don't think they deserve my silence either, because they misled people and then tried to get sympathy and had me put on a blacklist.

He was connected to Maryland court workers and also to the U.S. federal government and they wanted him here and they wanted me trashed. I wouldn't have met the CIA communications man through him if this wasn't the case.

They tried to have me locked up.

He never wanted me to have my son and did several things to keep me from getting court records in Maryland and being able to prove certain things. He also tried to stall on things to keep the clock ticking.

I also know some people from Europe were very interested in him and in trying to do something with me, possibly because they felt I was a threat in some way.

When some things went awry, they tried to get sympathy for him, hatred for me, and then bent over backwards to try to smear me more.

I have had people trying to kill me and poison me and zero protection from the U.S. and this is why they don't care. They care about their own objectives and I am disposable. My son? Is disposable.

I also believe some of the motive was possibly religious for some and that others who were not of the same religion, were willing to go along simply because they were getting paid. Another fear factor was the idea that I'd sparked any interest with any member of the royal family or that I was interested in the case of Princess Diana.

I was given medications without my knowledge or consent as well and it was most likely some form of experimental psychological medication or birth control. He claimed he wanted children with me but it was a lie and he never did. He almost passed out and looked very dark when I said I thought I might be pregnant.

I stopped having my period the whole time I was with him and then I only had my normal periods again, 2-3 months after we separated and I was no longer eating food he gave to me. After he left, I had more of my period each month until by the 2nd or 3rd month I was wondering what the hell they had put me on. He didn't want to use protection half the time or didn't care but I insisted.

I had a normal period every month after that but then I had people going after me with non-lethal weapons, stealing my things, trying to say I was nuts again, poisoning me, and even doing what they did to my voice.

I was also given food to eat by other military persons in the U.S., and others, from the time my son was separated from me and all that time I thought something was wrong with my fertility. When I was able to buy my own food for a whole month, my periods would be totally normal.

I met him after I was put up in a hotel by someone who works for the Department of Defense. Probably some of those people worked for more than one group and someone thought I knew everything and that's why they wanted to get rid of me.

Everytime he separated or was apart from me, I had more wackos and weirdos come out of the woodwork than you can imagine, and people trying to kill me and poison me. Every single time, there was some kind of celebration and my Ex seemed happy whenever he thought I was close to losing my son.

He claims he'll have to go back to Colombia but he won't because he's worked out his deals with government workers who want him here. If he does, he'll be able to come back.

I had someone tell me on the subway one day, that I would be in Canada in 2 years and I don't know why.

What I DO know, is that the U.S. has been behind some of this and they stood back and did nothing while several government workers knew what was happening to my son and that I was not mentally ill and I was innocent. There are government workers who have not WANTED me to be with my son because they wanted to use me for something else.

The real question is, why am I being persecuted and blacklisted and blamed for not getting married when I knew that person had tried to pass me off to go to federal jail?

Oh I'm just sure you'd want to sign on the line after that.

He also cheated on me, which may not be a big deal to most but it was something I asked him not to do, and he allowed me to be put in humiliating situations.

All I ever asked for, was to have my son and I safe and free from corruption and harm and to live a normal life. One would think this could be managed. Instead, I am harassed, hounded, and blacklisted, and this is a country that claims to be "free".

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