Saturday, March 27, 2010


I will make a space here.

There has been someone who started Iming me with a great deal of interest in Nicolas Cage, supposedly. Initially, with royalty too but then just Cage. Most of the time seeming normal but then sometimes, saying very creepy things and making veiled threats. She has written things which make fun as well, last night suggesting I wear a hat to "block intuition" like the psychic Lisa Williams. Other times, it's been making fun of something else. But still seeming interested in my psychic ability and confirming some things I've said are right.

They changed their profile to read:

“Experiencing a lesson in futility....which goes against everything that I am or believe in. It's truly a painful awakening.” said 33 hours ago
They changed it after I said I would look it up. Some of the advice has been helpful but other things that have been said in the past were questionable...but what bothers me is that she (or he) has popped up to chat, right after I'm looking up something that's English, like she knows or someone knows what I'm looking up. The other night, it was after I was looking up Queen Elizabeth and then tonight, after I was looking up this man I met who is an Anglican pastor who is new in town.

She wrote to me after I made this post and I won't say what about. However, I have not revealed the content of our discussions or what we talked about yesterday.

Anything we talked about was getting out to others without my saying a thing. A couple nights before she'd logged in and just typed "last check made tonight" or something and all day the next day I had people saying things to me about a "check" or "checks" when usually no one brings this up. For example, a librarian said "I found a check in a book today!" (a male librarian). Which is no big deal until you have a lot of people talking about it so it's clear people have hacked into my business and can see what I'm doing or know someone who is sharing things.
When her screenname first appeared: simplymeME, another one appeared below it and it was: srstephenl. But no one wrote from this, it just popped up as available at the same time.

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