Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Harassment By Hagopian Firm (who called police)

I just experienced another totally unnecessary situation by some Wenatchee people.

Since my totally unethical lawyer and his firm screwed me over, they did this when they knew I wouldn't be able to appeal or defend myself.

So I tried to compose a motion for reconsideration and special set hearing, by a certain deadline. I asked a law firm if they would be willing to print and fax something for me since I didn't have means to do this. Leeza or whatever her name is, with Hagopian firm said she would. I had to explain things to her but then she said okay. So I had to draft it before it could be sent to her to print (only 2 pages) and faxed.

I told her I had to get it out by 5 tonight and she said no problem.

I drafted it up and after I sent the first part, my computer shut down. Ran out of batteries but a little bit earlier than it said it would. So then I went to this one office and they were very nice. I should always mention the nice places, and people, but I'm too worried they'll be penalized in some way, but helping me at all, sincerely. So I tend not to.

They allowed me to finish drafting the motion I needed to write. I sent it out from their server and to myself as well, and when I checked my inbox it never showed up. Then, I tried to send it from my own account and it went through but after a delay first.

However, when I called her, to say I had sent them over, she tried to say they weren't going to do it, and this was at the very last minute. Why would they do that? She kept trying to argue not to do it for me, at all, and I couldn't understand why other than to screw me over at the last minute. So she was still about to say no and then asked if I was at another business. I said yes and she said, "In this building?" and I said yes and then she said okay, she'd still do it. It was like only if she thought someone else might be listening would she still do it. That's the impression I got at least.

So I walked to her office and then this other guy comes in, office supply, and she was almost telling me to wait outside. The guy said, "Another representative will come see you in 9-12 months" and she looked up and grinned. I have no idea what that was about.

So I don't know. But then she told me, after he'd left, that she couldn't do it for me and she hadn't received the other part. I thought well she might be telling the truth about that. But then I said, "But it showed it had been sent from my inbox" and the other guy said from his office, "Smitty", it's here and said he was sending it over.

So he sent it over. By the time she faxed it, it was past the time she thought it needed to be sent, by deadline. But it's fine. I still have a day actually.

And actually, since I asked for Special Set, that can be made any time, for any reason. So I'm fine.

What I thought was horrible, was how I told her that I didn't have a way to request a new public defender until I did this and they acted like it was a big deal and they couldn't do this.

I mean, I'm sorry, but that was NOT asking too much. They know who I am like everyone in town, and how I've been screwed over, and instead of just printing and faxing 2 pages, after what has gone on in this town, they think that I'M the one trying to abuse some kind of system.

So she did it but it was done 6 minutes after 5 p.m. so if it had really mattered, it could have been a problem, and then she shut the door and told me to sit down and then stands over me. Literally, she had me sit on a couch and stood over me, in front of me, with her arms crossed even (I think).

I thought why in the world.

So I'm sitting there and she started saying, "I think you've gotten through life by being a fast talker..." and then started saying how people don't like "pushy" and she said she thought I was going to have to hear no a few times. I felt it was completely unnecessary and harassing. I stood up and said, "I don't have a problem with 'no' but what I don't respect is when someone says they're going to do something and then, without good cause, doesn't do it."

So then Smitty comes BURSTING out of his office, clapping his hands together and says, "That's it! Get out of here! I'm calling the police!"

He said "calling the police" about one second after bursting out of his office.

He didn't have to force me to leave because I was standing up to leave anyway and she was the one who had shut the door. So I walked out after saying "fuck you." I said it only after being treated this way, but I regreted it, not for them but for me, because I later thought it was inexcusable that I allowed them to upset me at all. I had done nothing wrong and I didn't need to be denigrated and called "fast talker" as if I was some kind of street con. Here I am, a totally normal person who has talents and skills and is good at working and working with others, but just gets screwed over in a state where everyone knows I'll be screwed over, in a town where people are easily bought and caught and then nobody cares, and I'm called "fast talker".

I said this as I walked out immediately. Then I went down the wrong hall, and I had to go past that office again, and of all things, she is standing there, grinning, and mocking and doing a wiggly finger wave. I flipped her off in response and left and that's what bothered me most, was that I even imitated her in my response. They were not even worth any response at all. I mean, there is something wrong, to make such a huge deal out of nothing and then lord it over me and then give evidence of serious anger management issues.

So I walked down to the bike shop and asked where the restroom was and I talked to this bike shop guy for a little while and then when I was leaving, the police were approaching me. This guy, whose secretary or who himself wanting to screw me over on a last minute motion, knowing the circumstances, literally called the police. For no reason other than to harass me.

So the police came and they said I wasn't to go back there and I said I didn't need the notice because I had no plans to do so.

I wanted to see which officers and it was Matney and Torres. I really did not get a good vibe from either of them. Matney has done some strange things in the past, sort of stopping me once and harassing me as if I'd done something wrong when I didn't. Torres, I didn't recognize him, but in general, I didn't have a good feeling.

Then a couple of guys came in to the library after me and I didn't have a very good feeling about them either. They were both wearing blue and yet something didn't feel right. One guy was white and large and the other guy was black with dreadlocks. One said to the other, "Are you ready?" and the other said, more than ready. I just had a bad vibe.

So then I was walking past these guys and this other man with a little girl was taking her to her ballet and she had this cute little pink tutu on and this bag with a butterfly and she was truly, one of the most beautiful little girls I've ever seen. Gorgeous, gorgeous. I chatted with her Dad a little, who was also wearing blue (so nothing against blue, or red or white or yellow or anything at all) and I had to ask, because she had a very unique look and it wasn't quite American so I asked what her background was and he said "English and Russian". This girl was beeeaaautiffful. Truly. She is going to be stunning one day.

It was nice to speak with someone friendly after feeling harassed.

The offices that were really nice to me and just casual, I appreciated too, because they didn't make a big deal out of anything.

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