Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Something Very Wrong Tonight & Today

Something has been very wrong all day. It improved when I blogged about having a bad energy and feeling something was wrong.

So it got better, like something improved somehow, for a short time and then it was very bad again.

This morning, bad. This mid-morning to maybe 1 or so, it was good. Then it went bad again.

I think someone is doing something to my son or someone is doing something that makes my son very sad, or he's having problems with this non lethal weapon stuff. It was happening to me today and it wasn't like it was a secret either.

I think, what makes most sense was that it was from my laptop bc it happened at a cafe and then there were all these trucks driving by with "electric" stuff again, a lot of them. And this woman pulled up in a truck with flames on the side, a different vehicle, and left it parked outside by me.

Something else might be going on.

I know there is a lot of bad going on in the town lately. I am being harassed a lot more too, and today some of the people were pretending to come at me and then laughing, or pretending they were concealing weapons. There were other things, a lot of threats basically, and then the problems with the computer, and no one doing a thing about fixing it, is how this felt. It is like the good people left town, not that no one good is here, but if anyone was on good behavior, not anymore.

I also consider that someone I love besides my son is being affected. Or that someone died and others are grieving. Or maybe something big in the world occured, and it isn't very good.

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