Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Vibe This Morning

The vibe totally changed. I woke up this morning and that heaviness or bad feeling was gone.

I don't know if it was my son or some kind of world event going on or what. Anyway. For now at least, it's fine.

The first song I played this morning was "Mama" by Tupac. Just playing it over and over.

I love the intro to this song in the video. If she hadn't been acquited, he never would have become, maybe, what he became. His future could have been permanently altered. Maybe he still would have gotten into music, but who knows. Who raises you is really important. Then I found this. I was looking for bossa nova but this looked interesting. It's "No Woman No Cry/Nao Chore Mais" Bob Marley's song covered by Gilberto Gil. The guitar! Just those opening notes...and I don't know where they are but the sound is good! Yellow Submarine. I don't know why.

One of my favorite christian songs, by Rich Mullins: "Calling Out Your Name". I used to dance to this one all the time. I also like this one, "Creed", but I just realized how similiar they are.

"We'll Smoke The Blighter Out!":
The next one I found was in German so what the hell, here it is:
In Dutch? Every version I click on is in a different language:
Swedish. I didn't search for it, it was just Swedish next:

I laughed when I saw this clip because I just recently burned my thumb while using a lighter. I had to use ice and got a blister. It was the dumbest thing because I didn't even notice for a split second, that I was burning myself because I had my mind on other things. I just hope I don't see my son with a burn mark today bc it seems like there's been this matching thing.


I clicked on a caterpillar song and got Polish again:

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