Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Harassed By CPS State Workers & Other Harassment

I was harassed today by Michelle Erickson, which is no surprise, since I filed something for court yesterday and she knows. She not only refused to leave, she refused to let me see my son as she stood there for over 10 minutes, harassing me. She did this after I specifically told her I did not want to talk to her and if she needed to wait to speak to a lawyer.

I woke up this morning with a migraine again, and this isn't normal that I've had this many this month, and I think it is either the fact that I've been eating food which was given to me, or? I think it is the food or some other trigger because it's not stress, because I've had stress before that is much worse and it doesn't cause increased migraines. SO I think it's that I either ate at this homeless shelter place a couple times, where I was offering free room and board to someone, or it is from other food I received and just the alteration in diet has made a difference.

What I find strange, is that it is clear people knew I had migraine today and that they expected this. Why would anyone expect me to come in, on a day when I said I had all this filing to do, unless someone knew I was given something which would trigger migraine?

It's at the start of the migraine but getting worse and I'll write more after I've been treated.

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