Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Harassment At Medical Clinics Today (NOW)

I went to the Wenatchee Valley Clinic and was refused treatment by Mr. Mark Shipman after he harassed me and tried to provoke me first. The medical director, Dr. Freed, is on vacation, and in his absence some decided to take liberties. I was fully refused treatment for migraine today. Then he lied and said I was just asking for narcotics when that wasn't true and has never been true. Mr. Shipman is usually a Central Washington Hospital employee and the Director in charge today was this same Dr. Bill Gotthold that I had a problem with last time.

Then I was followed to Central Washington Hospital by this woman who had some saint and cross thing in her car, and she didn't have any injury and just followed me and then lied and said she did to a nurse here, Joanna, who then took my vitals and then she refused to take my blood pressure. She was telling me it had to be done on my right arm and I said this arm hurt and could she do the other arm. She refused.

As soon as I blogged this, THEN people acted professionally. I shouldn't have to do this while I'm in pain, BLOG, but if I don't, I will be harassed and refused treatment and the migraine will be worse tonight and tomorrow.

I believe some of these people know I had things to continue to file in court and just wanted to delay my filing and harass me.

It's the start of a migraine but if it's not treated, it will be worse later. It's not full blown but it's just on one side of my head. So I will probably downgrade the pain level I gave, but I just gave a high number to get treated after being refused treatment.

So they are very coordinated here. Mr. Shipman and Dr. Gotthold refused to treat me and knew I'd have to go to CWH, where I was told to sit in front of "Carol", and all the women except Carol, are wearing purple and turquoise, which so happens to be the color of the 2 cupcakes my son brought to his visit today.

At Wenatchee Valley, I was harassed by people wearing turquoise or black, white, and red at the front desk but others wore blue or green, or just looked normal. I was approached by 3 people who stood over me before I was ever admitted. They refused to give their names.

It was this huge staged day of threats, death threats, and references to the english royal family and Kate Middleton and they got the Kate thing all wrong. I don't need to elaborate.

I will write more later but for now, I'm only blogging enough to protect myself, which I should have continued to do at the WVC or I wouldn't have had the problem I did and he wouldn't have gotten away with it.

I stupidly turned the computer off, and allowed Shipman to tell me he refused to treat me and that my migraine isn't "life threatening" (the lawyers have already been through this with them, about discrmiination and refusal to treat someone in a place of public accomodation). If I'd had my laptop out and blogged when this was happening, he wouldn't have gotten so far, and I could also document I am thinking clearly. He started harassing me saying "You have issues" and went on and on, yelling at me. Then he tried to say he DIDN'T refuse to treat me and tried to claim I just wanted Fioricet when I told him what worked for me in the past and it's on the record.

As soon as I posted was "Joanna", who is wearing some green smock with red ladybugs on soon as I posted about her, suddenly, they were calling me back to a room and she quit doing her "paperwork" about me which she claimed she had to do when she was refusing to even take my blood pressure. She said to the head nurse, "I tried to take it" and shrugged and the head nurse turned away. So that's when I blogged and posted this.

Joanna was telling me I had to give her my right arm, not my left arm. Then she was demanding I take my shirt off to do it when it was a loose top and there is no reason she couldn't use my left arm.

They put me in a room at CWH with a clock that's military time when it's not usually set for military time. It is now 14:46.

They have someone next door to me who is not injured and who is screaming, "Please help me! Please, please, please, please," over and over and over and not one doctor or nurse is going in. She's in rm 11 and I'm in room 10. She is screaming at the top of her lungs and it doesn't even sound real. Seriously. It sounds like very bad acting. It's not even real crying. I'm not being mean, I'm totally serious.

Oh, what a surprise. She stopped! The acting lessons aren't paying off. As soon as I posted this bit about her drama which wasn't even real, she quit. I guess anyone could check and find out what she is supposedly here for. She's here next door to me at the same time I'm here. I'm sure it's something absolutely devastating!

Oh, now she has a cold. Cough, cough.

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