Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More Harassment & Problems

I just had this guy whom I've talked to before, and who remembered my name, pull up next to me and ask me if he could take me somewhere. I was walking back to the clinic, because I still have migraine and wanted to see if I'm refused a second time, for treatment, and because I need to be treated. Not only do I have a migraine--at this point I have anxiety and I feel my distress was intentionally provoked and caused by what happened today.

It's not very bad right now bc it wasn't bad to begin with, the first day, and after being denied treatment I took 5 advil to hold it off until I could get normal treatment and figure out what to do.

So this guy, Bryan, I recognized him so I was allowing him to take me to the clinic. He took me here and the security guard who is always rude to me, Ben, they knew eachother. They were very friendly with eachother and Ben admitted this. What was weird, was that after I was checked in, and when Bryan said he would go to the appt. with me to make sure I wasn't harassed and that I had a witness present, he just took off with the security guard.

When the security guard came back, he looked at ME and then went into the back ER room. I wondered what happened to Bryan and the guy was walking back to his car.

THEN I approached Ben and these guys both had this planned out. I mean Ben acted like he didn't know him and I said, "You two knew eachother" and he said yes and then he said they didn't me. That's when I knew this was bs. They both knew me and knew who I was, and why would they claim differently. Ben said to me, "You're seeing things." For whatever reason.

I went outside and this nice black and white Hummer is being followed by an older blue pick-up truck. What I'm trying to figure out, is why they are so interested in having me involved with them at all.

I believe the whole point was to pick me up and then claim they didn't know me and make it sound like I was some strange lady they didn't know who asked for a ride (when I didn't and they DO know who I am). I swear to God, the whole purpose was to attempt to construct some kind of dirt about me because this town knows they have nothing on me and they need to fabricate and create things instead.

I am positive the point was to slander me and make me look bad and then have something written into some kind of chartnotes.

I regret ever taking a ride from him. He was known, and I saw him at the cafe all the time, and other places as well.

My migraine is only at a 3 or so right now but it will be worse tomorrow. I was shuttled between these two clinics, for hours, as they wasted my time refusing me treatment.

I was crying and distressed after the last place, CWH, told me they would not treat my migraine unless I peed into a cup for pregnancy test. I have never been told I have to be tested for pregnancy before treatment for migraine.

No one has ever done this before. No one has refused migraine treatment before until today, the day they all knew I was trying to file documents for court. No one has ever told me I have to test for pregnancy before migraine either. I wasn't able to get anything done today with filing things and I was prevented by Dr. Gotthold from getting more of my medical records. I was insulted and harassed repeatedly.

At least I wasn't very bad off with this one, and it was milder than usual. It was very minor but I knew if I didn't treat it now, it would get worse. So I was just trying to have it treated and then proceed with the legal stuff.

If anything, now I feel I have more anxiety than anything else. After all of that.

I didn't have a total deadline of getting it done today, but they thought so. And this is what happens to me on a day when they think I need to get things done. They coordinated their efforts to refuse treatment, harass me, and try to make it look like there was something wrong with me. They also started insinuating I didn't need the Vicodin for pain (it's hardly any at all) which would only be something someone would do if they were friends with Michelle Erickson or wanted to support her coworkers in slandering me.

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